Weight Watchers

I haven't checked in here for a few weeks regarding my progress on Weight Watchers. Unfortunately, I have not been doing very well. I've not been diligent about my points and I have not been exercising as much as I was.

However, I got on the scale today and I'm only up 1 lb. so that is not too bad. This week I'm getting refocused and back on track.

So overall my weight loss is..

26 lbs.

Hopefully, I'll see some progress next Sunday.


  1. Dont despair Terri, you are still on track, and have lost a huge amount overall.

  2. Hi terri,
    Don't dispair. We all have bumps. We has ours this week end too.

  3. Just keep going on! You're doing great. There are bound to be ups and downs in anything we do. The only failure is if you quit completely--and it sure doesn't sound like that is the case!

  4. Your still doing great Terri!!! You are an inspiration to many of us as most people would have stopped by now and your still hanging in there!! We are proud of you!!! Have a great day!~Wendy

  5. Considering that you have not been keeping close watch of your progress, to gain only one pound is terrific.

    I have been kind of doing the same because we have company and I cook lots of food and then we are left with all the left-overs to clean up and not all of it is weight watcher friendly.

    I gain a pound then take off two then add on two and then take it off again. I am holding at a weight loss of 25 pounds right now but need to get back to work before the holidays arrive.

    Good job, Terri! It really shows in your blog picture.


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