Love of Learning

I had a conversation with a 6 year old the other day about school. I asked him, "How do you like school this year?" His response was, "I HATE School!" Unfortunately, his response is typical of most children. Most children I know, especially teens, really dislike school. They moan and complain and long for the weekends and summer vacation. They view education as something that must be endured.

We have a generation of children who are getting their education from pop culture, video games, and sound bytes. We have little girls who are forming their opinions about life from Hannah Montana. Boys are getting their view of how to act from Wrestlemania! It is worrisome to realize that these children will be our future leaders!

Dan & I both tutored in the local public school and it is downright scary to see what kind of students are being turned out. Our school system has a required summer reading program and each book on the list is assigned a point value. The student is required to read so many points for the summer. Sounds good right? Well, for the high school level, there are books on the list from Dr. Seuss all the way up through actual high school level reading. Students could feasibly read 30 Dr. Seuss books to get their points! The sad thing is that many of them do this. Unbelievable.

Is this the school system's fault totally? I don't think so. When parents start allowing "the experts" to make decisions for their children, problems are bound to happen. Am I advocating homeschooling for everyone? Absolutely not! I do think it's a very good alternative to a broken system. I chose homeschooling because of having a child with special needs and the school system was NOT a good situation for him.

However if I decide to put my child in public school, I would certainly hold them to a higher standard than is currently happening. I would be involved and not just leave it up to the "professionals." I would also hold my child to a higher standard!

My children went to both public school and a Christian school. They were required to go above and beyond no matter what EVERYONE else was doing! Would I allow my 10th grader to read 30 Dr. Seuss books? No way! Everyone else was turning in papers late? It didn't matter. We expected them to give it their best and we followed up to make sure it happened.

I'm not perfect and I've felt many times the stomach wrenching anxiety that perhaps I'm messing up as a parent. However, I think as far as instilling a love of learning in our children, Dan & I have done a fairly good job. Nathan told me yesterday, "I love school!" Stephen told me, "It felt good doing so much school today."

So even though I'm tempted at times to feel like I've failed at times, I think that overall something must be going right. My kids love to learn. They spend every evening reading, writing, drawing, or learning about something new. They aren't parked in front of the television or computer screen. We have lively discussions about religion, politics, and a host of other things. They can recognize faulty reasoning and put thought into what they say.

One of the best things you can do for your child is to give them the desire to learn. However, it won't happen without you modeling the same thing yourself. If they see you plopped in front of the t.v., they will learn to do the same thing. How will they love to read, if they never see you with a book in hand?

Raise the bar and see if your children don't rise to the occasion!


  1. Wow! I forwarded this on to my hubby because this is the kind of love for learning I want to instill in our children. My daughter is 5 so we'll be starting up shortly. Of course our son, who is 3, will be listening so I guess we'll be starting with him too :D
    Thank you for your posts and the wisdom in your words. It is such a blessing to find encouragement from someone who has been there and is till there!

  2. Hi terri,
    I love to learn. I think we spend 1/3 on food and 1/3 on books and magazines each month . LOL I regret now not instilling my love of knowledge in my children. Here all the public school teaches the kids is to pss the Tas Test. That is it. So sad.

  3. This is a great post Terri! And I am so glad my children are past this age. Would I have done some things differently if I could? Yes. Your children are very lucky to have such good parents.

  4. This is a great post, Terri and I say a big Amen to it. I love to learn too and though I tried to instill a love for books and reading into your life, I often wish that I had done more but I can see that you have done that for yourself and for your own children. I am so proud of you!

    It amazes me just how lazy some of our young people are even those in the Christian School that we have affiliated with our church and in the young people in our Sunday School. They have no desire whatever to learn only to play these computer games. It really is scary to think what kind of adults they will turn out to be. I'm hoping and praying that our young people will wake up.

    In the meantime, I try to do my part to get our young people to read their bibles and to learn what God has for them in their own lives. Of course, this only applies to Sunday School.

    I didn't know that you were substitute teaching in the school systems.



  5. Hi Mom. I didn't substitute. I tutored those students who were out of school because of sickness or suspension. I don't do it any more but did it for a while. Dan still does this.

  6. Amen to that, Terri.
    As you know, I had an appt. with a teacher yesterday. It went well, I explained my concerns straight up. and pointed out that some things were not working for my son and probably other kids in the class also. He was receptive to my concerns and even says he plans on taking my advice in some areas. He's a new teacher, young and no children himself so he admitted that he needed help.
    So to go along with what you said, you are absolutely right. Whether it's homeschool or public school, the parents need to be involved and aware of everything that is happening. And to not be afraid to stand up and speak up when things need changed.
    And most importantly to be examples of people willing to learn and challenge ourselves with trying new things.


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