New Year Goals

I usually shy away from New Year's Resolutions because they last about a month and that's it. However, this year I did want to come up with some concrete goals for myself. I started by reading Proverbs 31:10-31 and the description of the virtuous woman. Many people say that there is no way any woman could live up to this example but I believe there are some meaty nuggets in there that are worth emulating.

After reading this passage, I broke down my responsibilities into categories and then tried to come up with some goals for each category. Here are my major headings, along with a few goals under each heading. I'm not listing them all here as some are personal goals.

* Regular quiet time with the Lord
* Read through the Bible
* 2-3 service projects with children

* Consistent, focused school every day (except holidays and unforeseen
* Teach Nathan how to balance checkbook
* Go through Driver Ed. Manual with Nathan and work with him towards getting his permit
* Regular, consistent art time for children

* Regular, consistent family devotions
* Spend one on one time with each child every week
* Movies on the weekends only - we don't have t.v. but do get videos from the library. I want to spend more time working on projects and hobbies in the evening as opposed to sitting watching a movie.

Health & Nutrition
* Work on dust mite issue (regular washing of all linens, including pillows)
* Look into alternative, natural remedies for allergies and illness
* Lose the rest of the weight (30 lbs.)
* Cook nutritious meals
* Write out a weekly menu
* Try one to two new recipes per week

Financial & Organization
* Make a shopping list before I go
* Make & send cards on time (I'm notorious for sending them late)
* Make a price book for shopping
* Balance checkbook each month on time (as opposed to letting it stack up for 2-3 months)

This is a work in progress and I still have to tweak this list and reorganize my headings but overall, I'm pleased with the plan. This is the first time, I've organized my goals this way. It gives me something to look back on at the end of the year to see how I did. I also want to sit down with Dan and see what can be added to this and get his input, especially in the education and family headings.


  1. Happy New Year Terri! I think your list is very good and do-able. Most people fail because their plans are too lofty. You've broken it down into steps. Good Job!

  2. Happy New Year! Your list sounds manageable. I decided that this year I plan monthly instead of for the whole year and then too many things come up to make me lose my goals. I have a price book for shopping too and it really helps with planning within a budget. Some of your plans for 2009 are mine also, like daily quiet time and reading through the Bible.

  3. Hi Terri,
    Happy New Years,
    Your plan looks great. I am making monthly goals this year. I will send you some links to a few great low cost recipes sites I found. I found some great new recipes on them to make for my family.

  4. Happy New Year Terri! I'm sure you'll reach all your goals for 2009, you have made a great start already with your organized list.

    I think it's a great testimony that almost every single goal is about helping others. Dan and the kids are blessed to have you.

    God Bless,
    love, Tina :) xx

  5. Happy New Year Terri! You have a great plan going here. We are about to get our cable cut off. It just burns up too much family time. Thanks for sharing!

  6. i've never made new years resolutions but the idea of "goals" to accomplish and work on is a great idea. I think that as long as we don't beat ourselves up when we fall behind, goals are wonderful. And if we do fall behind, take a deep breath, refresh and renew our spirits in God's word and jump back in!
    thanks for all your inspiration.

  7. Dear Terri,

    Happy New Year! I loved reading your goals for this coming year. I think it is a great plan you have! May the Lord bless as you work on these things this year!


  8. Happy New Year Terri! I enjoyed reading the goals you have made for yourself. Your list is very good. I like how you have broken it down into categories. I also want to spend more one on one time with my girls this year.

  9. Wow -you sure have motivated me Terri. Great job.

  10. I like the fact that you have not only set goals for yourself but have broken them down and put them in catagories. I usually only make one or two New years resolutions and then try to keep them. Your way is a great way to make sure that your life is on track with the things that you want to see happen in your life and to be able to make the changes that you want to happen. I need to be more like you. I will have to work on that. I'm proud of you.



  11. Wow! Lots of goals, but great ones. In regard to creating a shopping list before you go, I have some suggestions on my blog about how I have learned to do this. It really is a lifesaver when you have lots of kids (I have three). I have left the link in the URL of this comment if you are interested.


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