Craft Day

My house normally looks fairly neat. I mean there are those little pockets of clutter here or there which I try to tackle when they get too bad.

However, when I am in charge of an outreach event, chaos normally ensues. Dan is used to seeing this type of thing before Vacation Bible School, craft days, fall festivals and a host of other events.

This morning is our church's Valentine's Craft Day. This is what part of my house looks like today.

Goody bags ready to go.

Piles of craft supplies.

More craft supplies and things for Friend's Sunday tomorrow. The girls from 3D Girls and children's church are singing so I still have a pile of things to do for that.

I'm looking forward to the month of March when there is nothing major on the calendar!


  1. sounds like fun terri! hope your day is a successful one!

  2. Hmmm...still looks pretty tidy and organized to me Terri! When are you coming to visit to get my place in shape too?? Lol! :)

  3. Hope everything went great. If we lived where you do, we'd have to come to all the stuff at your church-it always looks like so much fun!


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