
We all need encouragement from time to time. I find that usually it's my children who will do the thing that provides me the most encouragement. I think every parent questions whether they are doing the right thing; whether their children will develop a Godly character. Sometimes, I want to give up and then other times, like yesterday, they bless my socks off!

School was over for the day and I had to make a phone call which was going to take a while. When I got off the phone this is what I found...

Nathan & Stephen working on unassigned vocabulary words.



I went to look for Emily because she was quiet and found her in my room, cleaning!

Of course, when I told her how pleased and proud I was that she was cleaning for me, she said, "I couldn't take the mess anymore!" LOL

I love my kids!


  1. Ahhh, how sweet! I'm sure there wasnt really a mess!

  2. It is funny how we moms can all think alike and feel that we need to be the encourager for them, and we do, but it sure is nice when our children do things (from their hearts) that just encourage us beyond measure!

    God has certainly bless you and your husband with precious children!


  3. Terri ~

    That is so sweet ~ you are blessed with a wonderful family!

    Hope you have a blessed day!

  4. This was so sweet! Congratulations to their Mama for good teaching!

  5. There's nothing nicer than when kids do things like that without being asked...what a blessing! :)


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