
"In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
Luke 15:10

This morning my heart is full. One of my girls from 3D Girls prayed last night to follow Jesus! I had prepared a devotional laying out the salvation message and I spent the week praying specifically that the Lord would speak to the girls hearts. It is difficult sometimes to get very deep because there is such an age gap and there are so many of them each week. At the upper ages, peer pressure is really starting to kick in so if one of them is being silly, the rest follow along. I had prayed that the Lord would allow those girls who needed to hear this message to be there. To be honest, I wasn't expecting much because all of them are ALWAYS there.

Well, last night only 8 out of the 16 showed up and the ones who atteneded were girls who are on the periphery. They were not the real popular girls and they are exactly the girls who I would of thought had hearts soft and ready to receive this. Amazing!

Anyway, I talked about how it's not enough to just know with our heads, but we have to confess it with our mouths and then actually act out our faith with actions. My oldest girl there who comes from an extremely rough home and will be aging out this year, raised her hand and said, "I've never said that." I asked her if she wanted to pray silently while I prayed (I know, I'm dense - I had just said confess with our mouth) and she said, "I've never prayed that out loud." So I helped her by praying and she repeated the words.

I came over to the house to get a Bible for her and she plopped down at the table while the other girls were sewing and started reading her Bible!

I'm in awe of how the Lord works when we listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and I wnated to share with you all. Rejoice with me!


  1. That is wonderful news!! Praise the Lord for His goodness and for the fact that you run this group Terri. Now you KNOW that it has all been worthwhile! I pray that the rest of the girls will turn their hearts to the Lord also. :)

  2. What a wonderful story! It only takes one, the rest will follow.
    God bless

  3. PTL!!! How wonderful to know she is now a part of the family of GOD!!! And great job on knowing it was what you were supposed to talk about and you followed your feeling!!! Have a wonderful Valentine's weekend!! And Happy Birthday to your son!!! Take care!~Wendy

  4. i'm rejoicing with you, Terri! that is so great... God's mercy and grace are amazing.


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