3D Girl Fun

This has been a really good year for 3D Girl's Club. As many of you remember, we spent the summer fixing up the building next door so that the girls would have a place to meet. This was before the merge of our church happened and I just kept it going next door. We actually attract a lot of girls that wouldn't come if they had to travel over the mountain to go to church.

We have the same routine every week. After all the girls have arrived, we sit down and do some sort of devotional together. Last night we learned about how our tongues have the power to bring life or death.

Then we practice songs or dances we are working on for church.


Then there is either a sewing/craft project or cooking project.

Last night they got to decorate their own cupcakes (gluten free for a couple of our girls).


I'm sure they went home and fell into a sugar-induced coma! :-)

We are winding down the year and will be finished at the end of April. I sure will miss those girls until next year!


  1. That sounds such fun...fun mixed with something more serious, good teaching. Wonderful.

  2. i bet your group has formed some life-long bonds. Your Emily sure is a funny girl. she is always ready for the camera.

  3. That's probably because I always have a camera shoved in her face! :-)

  4. You are doing such a good job with those girls.
    There is an award waiting for you over at my blog.

  5. Aren't you going to have the 3-D Girls Club next year, Terri? It is such a wonderful job you are doing with them and much needed in this society that we live in and possibly the only time that they will have Bible teaching given to them. It would be a shame to have it end.

  6. Hi Mom. It only goes Sept-April and ends for the summer. Yes, we will have it again next year.


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