Signs of Spring

I walked out my door today and noticed the first sign of spring. What a wonderful feeling that was!


It's been warm the last 2 days which is causing sprigs of green to start to pop up. I'm looking forward to all the other little signs that warm weather is coming.


  1. Doesn't it just feel so good! It's been a long long winter.

  2. Isnt that lovely! I know you have been waiting for a while for some signs of Spring.

  3. I've been watching my daffodils and crocuses start blooming. it amazes me how one day it's just a bit of green sprout sticking out of the dirt, then the next day you see a little closed-up bud, and then before you know it... there's a beautiful bloom!

  4. Hi Terri!

    I am so glad you are seeing some signs of spring there! We had snow here today!:(


  5. We've had all kinds of rain and cold weather here today, Sharon. I guess that's March for you!

  6. The flowers look so pretty and I'm sure they were an encouragement to all you up there in the North Country.

    Our trees are budding down here in the South. Flowers are appearing on the Forsythia bushes and the temps are in the high 70's low 80's.

    I'm loving the warm weather but its going to drop 40 degrees between Wed. daytime temps and Thursdays temps. A very big jump and we will have to go back to cold for a few days but it doesn't last long. From now on the days will get warmer.


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