Bloggy Break

Hi everyone! As I was spending time with the Lord this morning, I really felt that I need to take a fast from the computer. It's ironic that the Lord would point this out this morning, given that my last post was on living a disciplined life! I tend to go in spurts and while I am highly organized and fairly disciplined, the area of my computer usage is one that needs to be worked on.

As the church secretary, I obviously will need to check my email every day but I'm going to take a break from blogging for a bit. I'm not sure if this is a permanent thing or not, but I do need to focus on my family.

While I love to blog about my day, I often feel like I'm living outside my family looking in for a blogging photo-op. I'm not sure if that makes sense but often I feel detached. We could be in the middle of eating or reading or schooling or anything and I'm looking for a good picture or thinking how to blog about this. I'm not sure that's the healthiest way to interact with family!

Anyway, I didn't just want to drop off the face of the planet without saying what I'm doing. I want to be obedient to the Lord and I've felt a strong directive this morning to take a break from this.

I've enjoyed getting to know you all. Hopefully, I will be able to restart at some point but in the meantime, I'm putting my focus back where it needs to be.


  1. Sensible Terri! It is tooooo easy to spend hours reading and writing. dont be away too long though.

  2. Hi Terri,

    Well, I will miss reading your post and viewing your photos, but I do understand!
    Having only been blogging for a short time period, I too sometimes feel like I am always looking for a "blog post" in every situation.
    I do hope that you will be back, as you are a blessing to your readers!
    Take care and may the Lord bless you and your family!


  3. I completely understand! Have a great and refreshing break.

  4. I will miss reading your words of wisdom, but understand & admire your decision!

    Enjoy your family and I hope to see you back sometime in the future!!!

  5. I also understand and admire your decision to take a break. I am spending less time on the computer lately myself. Take care and enjoy your family.


  6. I believe all of us that regularly read your blog understand and support your decision. Family is so important.
    I know I will miss you and hope that you will be back.
    But in the meantime, enjoy your blog-break!
    God bless you!

  7. I support your decision Terri. Sometimes I just want to quit blogging, but still keep hanging on. It definitely has become less important to me lately. Anyway, I enjoy your blog and I'll be looking for any future posts. :o)

  8. Dear Terri ~

    I hope you have a refreshing blog break. I completely understand the need for this. I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed getting to know you and what a blessing you are!!

    Hugs & Blessings,


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