

In an effort to save some money this year, I decided to start some of my seeds indoors. Normally, I buy my plants such as tomatoes and peppers from a local nursery. However, I get tired of spending more money than I need to.

So I bought two of those little miniature greenhouses from Walmart and planted a bunch of seeds. Emily has been excited to watch them come up.


I have cabbage, 2 kinds of peppers, 3 kinds of tomatoes, eggplant, and a variety of herbs started. I'm hoping that this works otherwise I'm back to square one and will have to purchase them from the nursery.


  1. Good luck - I'm doing the same this year to try to cut expense - in fact I gave up veggie growing altogether but needs must:)
    I run to the window sill every morning to see if any have grown!!

  2. i'm right with ya, Terri.
    i decided to start my tomatoes from seed this year. I'm not sure how it will turn out yet... i may be buying my plants later on, too. Oh well, it's worth the try though, right?

  3. They look well Terri. You may have to move them out of the little greenhouse if they start to get leggy. We call it 'hardening them off'.
    Mine have been moved from warm house to cooler greenhouse, and are doing well. Hope yours continue, it is lovely to raise things from seed.

  4. Pray for those little critters Terri. I have never been successful with tomato seeds. Hope you have a ton!

    Karen in TN

  5. They look wonderful! It is so exciting to watch something that you planted as a little seed turn into a plant that will provide food for your family!


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