Show and Tell Friday - Little Treasures

Kelli hosts Show & Tell Friday each week. I thought I would participate this week by showing you little treasures that my children and husband have given me over the years. We don't have a lot of money, and most people wouldn't think much of my treasures. However, I know the thought and love behind each thing so they are special to me.

Dan wrote me a poem for our 11th anniversary and had it framed.

The children know I love tea pots but I hate the clutter, so for Mother's Day this year they got me this cute set that is also compact.

I love candles and I love birdhouses so this is a great combination!

Stephen made me this, with help from Grandma, one Christmas.

Dan went to Ecuador on a mission trip one year and brought back these.


I love Willow Tree angels, so the children have bought me quite a few the past couple of years.


I love this little trinket holder that Dan got me for Christmas one year.

Well, there are many others but I thought I'd share a few of my favorites with you!


  1. How the poem framed, and the tea set is great!! All of your shares are wonderful.

    My show n tell is not published. I finished a painting in watercolor, finally! Come by and see it if you can find time.

    Happy Friday.

    [ the title chosen for your blog too]

  2. Your treasures are delightful. I think homemade ones are best.



  3. Homemade is always the best. Love your pics and posts.

    Have a nice day
    Lots of luv,

  4. It's those little things that really count! We don't have big, fancy houses or expensive cars but the treasures that mean the most are those little things from the ones we love and who love us.
    People who don't have those kinds of treasures are sure missing out!
    I enjoyed your post today, got me thinking about my special treasures that surround me every day.

  5. What great little treasures you have. Love the poem from your husband, how sweet!

  6. Hi Terri ~

    What sweet treasures ~ and there's lots of love that goes with them! Have a blessed day!


  7. Dear Terri,
    What wonderful gifts from your family! The gifts from family, whether big, small, bought, or homemade are the best!
    Thank you for sharing!

  8. The little gifts from family are the best...I LOVE the framed poem. How precious!

  9. Your gifts are so precious and more lovely because of the memories attached to them.

    Do you know what choclos are? It sure brings back memories ;-)


    lady m

  10. What a sweet treasure that poem must be! I like the tea set.

  11. It says a lot about you that all your treasures were gifts of love from your loved ones. Same here!

    I like all your treasures!


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