Unexpected Beauty

One thing I love about our new house is the flower garden. We moved here at the end of July and I'm finding so many new surprises every day.

It looks like an overgrown mess, but I'm hesitant to pull anything because I don't know the difference between a flower and weed unless it blooms. :-)

It's a good thing I didn't pull what I thought were weeds, because I am finding unexpected beauty in all of these things.

I'm not sure what these are, but aren't they pretty?

Wild roses (I think). It looks like a rose bush, but I've never seen flowers like this.

Here is a close-up.




Again, another thing that looked like thick grass blades and I almost pulled it all up. Shame on me!

I have no clue, but I found these little beauties tucked away.

I do know that in the back of this flower garden, along the side of the house are day lilies. There will be bee balm and black-eyed susan too. Whoever planned this garden did a great job because just as one thing stops blooming, something new pops up! I think I'm going to have to brush up on my horticulture this summer.


  1. Terri, I think the first flowers might be Sweet Williams, but it is a bit difficult to tell from the small photo. I know the yellow one and cant remember its name!

  2. I agree, the first one looks like Sweet William!
    What wonderful surprises - enjoy!

  3. Such a lovely variety of flowers ~ a yard filled with beauty to enjoy!

    Sunday blessings to you,

  4. Terri, we've been in our house almost six years and I am still finding surprises in the yard. I pulled things that I thought were weeds that turned out to be beautiful flowers years later. Enjoy your garden!


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