Sourdough Starter & Bread

I love sourdough bread and have wanted to make it for awhile. I finally tried my hand at making starter. I cheated and did it the quick way. Generally you just add equal amounts of flour and water in a sterilized glass container to catch airborne yeast. I'm still planning on trying this, but this takes about a week and I wanted to make bread today so I went ahead with this recipe.

2 cups lukewarm water
2 1/4 tsp. yeast
1 1/2 cups flour

Mix all the ingredients together and whisk until well blended. Cover the bowl loosely with wax paper or cheese cloth and set in a warm, draft-free place for 12 hours. After I made the bread, I transferred my starter to a glass jar.

Today I went ahead and made bread with the starter and the loaves turned out great.

I think if I let the starter sit longer next time, the bread will have more of the sour taste, but it was still delicious.

Just remember to feed your starter equal amounts of water and flour to keep it going.


  1. Yum! One of my favorite types of bread. I have yet to give it a try, but maybe I will - that sounds easy!


  2. Hello Terri,
    The beginning of this post could almost have been written by me! I too have been longing to try my hand at sourdough bread for a long time, and this week ordered and received a supply of sourdough starter, but this is dried and in sachets which have to be kept in the freezer until you are ready to use them. Which I did today with the first one! It is sitting in my airing cupboard now, doing what it is supposed to do until tomorrow when I shall try my hand at the rest of the process. I'll post some pictures of it to show you the results. Hope you are feeling much better - what a shame to have spent your hols in hospital. Helen x

  3. I always kill my starter because I forget to feed it. :(

  4. Thank you for the loaf of bread, we had with dinner that night and it was delicioso'. I paired it with Scallops and Grouper, Corn on the cob and a Mozarella and tomato basil salad. Yummm.

  5. Terri ~ It looks delicious! I have never tried making a sourdough starter!


  6. Your bread looks delicious, Terri! I have a starter recipe for Sourdough Bread in my Bread Machine Breads Cookbook. I've entertained the thought of trying my hand at it but it seems like such a lot of trouble for just two people and we like all the other type of whole grain breads and I've been baking them.

    Did you know that for dieting purposes that Sourdough bread is better for you than wheat breads?



  7. I love this bread but I have never made any. I hope to use your recipe for the starter and give it a try. Thanks for sharing.

    I hope you are feeling better.



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