Canning Marathon


I spent most of the morning and afternoon in a canning marathon. I had piles of tomatoes as well as about 10 lbs. of plums. A friend gave me a bunch of cucumbers too.

So I made 4 quarts of relish.

10 cups of plum jam.


5 quarts of tomato sauce.

I love the popping sound the jars make as they seal. It lets me know that they are done and that we'll have lots of good things to eat this winter.


  1. Ahhh, the sound of popping caps!

    I was up until one o'clock this morning canning green beans! I decided the pickles can wait until tomorrow morning.

    Karen in TN

  2. Late summer...such a busy time of year! We have been keeping busy in the kitchen too!
    Your jars of fruit & veggies look great and I know your family will enjoy them very much!
    I too like the popping sound! :)


  3. You are very ambitious! How wonderful it will be in the winter!


  4. i've been busy making blackberry jam. we are overloaded with them this time of year.

    also been thinking that i want to find a good zucchini relish recipe to try for canning.

    i bet your plum jam is going to be delicious!!

  5. Very productive! It's funny how you call it canning and we British refer to it as 'bottling'!
    I am working my way through tomatoes right now, making sauce and chutneys.

  6. Great Job! We had a canning marathon this weekend as well. :) Can you post your recipe for the relish?


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