Park Outreach

There is a local trailer park near here that is known to be full of drugs and alcohol. Our church has had a burden to reach the people here for Christ for a long time and we have done various outreach events there over the past few years, usually with little success.

Last night, we had a musicians and evangelists, Howie & Debbie Campbell come and share in music and a message. Members of our worship team joined in with them to play and we offered free food. It ended up being very successful.

As the team was setting up, it started to pour. The group got together to pray that the weather would clear, and within 15 minutes it stopped a beautiful rainbow came out! The weather stayed beautiful for the rest of the night.

We ended up with about 100 people turning out for the event which was huge compared to what normally happens there.

Free food helped. Here are our refreshment ladies and they are a lot of fun!

I know Dan especially liked the free food! ;-)

Everyone enjoyed the music.




Even the little ones liked it.

The children had a great time running around and playing.


It turned out to be a wonderful evening and people were able to hear good music and a great message!


  1. That must have been such a rewarding time, reaching out to those people.

  2. Dear Terri,

    What a wonder way to reach out to those in your community! Hopefully through this event a seed has been planted!


  3. What a wonderful blessing for so many people, in so many ways. Sounds like yall's church is full of wonderful people that know how to have a great time and share the Word. Amen!


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