Seamstresses in the Making


Every Thursday a couple of moms and our daughters have been meeting next door while a woman from our church teaches us to sew. I already know how to sew, but I've learned all sorts of neat little finishing touches from her. She is a wonderful seamstress and taught 4H in our town for 30 years.

The girls just finished making drawstring aprons. Here they are modeling with their teacher.

They did a great job and were so proud. They were so cute yesterday, bouncing around outside with them on. :-)


  1. Great job girls! Aprons make lovely gifts too!

  2. Every girl should know how to sew....well done the girls!

  3. Wow - they did a wonderful job. What a blessing to have her come in and teach these young girls such a great skill!


  4. What a neat idea. The girls did a great job on their aprons.

    Have a blessed weekend!

  5. How fun ~ And the girls look thrilled with their accomplishments!

    Good work girls!!

    Blessings on your day, Terri!

  6. I've been thinking of teaching my neighbor's grand daughter how to sew, and a draw-string apron is a great idea for a first project!
    She is 9, but mature for her age. I sometimes watch her, and she has free run of all my fabric scraps. She's always 'creating,' and I think she is ready to make something 'real.' I've been iffy because of the sewing machine's speed and sharp needle, but I think I will let her practice on some pieces of paper with lines drawn to get the 'feel' of the machine. It could be fun!

  7. This is great- I teach a sewing class of girls like this, and we made aprons last autumn - this summer we made pjs! So lovely to apss on the skills to the next generations


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