Women of Excellence


Sunday night was the beginning of a Bible study I'm hosting. We have 9 ladies studying, Becoming a Woman of Excellence by Cynthia Heald.

I'm excited about this study because this is something I strive for. For the record, excellence does not mean perfection. I am far from perfect! Just ask my husband and children. However, I do strive to do my best in all I do. Sometimes I succeed and often I fail. Yet when I fail, I get up and brush myself off and try again.


I think this is something that all of us who are followers of Christ should be doing. However, the Christian community is often known for their lack of quality and excellence in what they do. When people look at us they should be able to say there is someone who takes pride in what they do. It doesn't matter if you are a garbage man, a pastor, a homemaker, or the President, we should do our best.

Why? Because as I Corinthians 10:31 says, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." Everything we do is for the Lord, even scrubbing a floor. Let's strive to be women of excellence and in doing so we will glorify the Lord!



  1. Maybe you could blog the Bible Study for us that aren't there.

  2. That sounds such an exciting study, wish I could share it.

  3. This is a wonderful study, I did it years ago! I just read a devotion on Women of Integrity that goes right along with your post!! Pray you will be blessed as you lead this study!!

  4. A good reminder...have a wonderful study with the ladies!

    I like the fall look of your blog!


  5. Thanks for the encouraging post! Sometimes I want to neglect the monotonous things...the dull, boring chores, but I have to remember that everything I do should be for God's glory, and that a virtuous woman get's things done! Maybe you could make this into a Bible study on here? :D That would be nice! *Just a thought ;)*

  6. oh nice I try and start a Bible Study last year and noone comes but one-you start one and 9 women show up the first night. Now I have a complex.


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