
Hello blog friends! I love blogging and it has opened a whole new group of people to me that I enjoy chatting with. I do want to say that I appreciate each and every one of you who leaves me a comment. I hardly ever respond to them because I would be online forever if I did that. However, I read and cherish each one.

I did receive a rather unkind comment today from an anonymous reader about a grammatical error I made in my post about Nathan. I fixed it because I do try to use proper grammar. However, I'm human and I type fast and sometimes I make a mistake. I fixed the error, but I would say that if someone ever notices a typo I make, please feel free to let me know but I just ask that you do it in a respectful way. I have feelings and I'm dealing with all kinds of things in my life that are very stressful. I don't need to feel like I can't post on my blog without getting blasted for my English.

I notice that usually the very unkind comments (which are very rare) come from people who are not willing to make themselves known.

For those of you who have been reading and commenting, I just wanted you to know how much I do appreciate you all! I love taking a few moments here and there and visiting your blogs as well and I do try to leave a comment from here and there. The end of December will mark two years of blogging for me. I think I'll have to do a giveaway or something! ;-)


  1. Your the second blogger this week that I've read that has had something negative anonomously commented to them. I know it's not easy but don't let it get you down. I have to remind myself when I get knocked down, it's because something I've done apparently made the devil made. Which means we're doing something right or he wouldn't be mad. So just keep making him mad and see God's glory in the outcome.

  2. How awful! I just don't understand why some people feel the need to leave nasty comments on other people's blogs.
    I just changed the comment setting on my blog, as I read about another blogger that received a nasty comment on her blog.
    So sad...I guess all we can do is pray for them and hope they change their ways!
    I love your blog Terri and your encouragement to all of us...don't let one person get you down - we love ya!


  3. Oh, isn't it a shame when these things happen in blogland? I too have received unpleasant comments, and a particularly nasty email once. Thank goodness most people are nice.

    Two years blogging? Wow! That's great Terri! :)

  4. Cant believe that people can be so small minded. Ignore it Terri, I love to read your posts.

  5. It's seems crazy to me that someone can reply negatively and rudely to that post.
    It also makes me realize that I really don't know all the people who may be reading my blog, but if I can touch someone with God's love and grace, than it's worth it.

    You do such a good job of reflecting our Father's love and grace, Terri! Keep it up!

  6. Your blog is a blessing, Terri, so don't be discouraged! You are one of my favorite bloggers! Your heart shines through in your posts and it is always a joy to visit with you!



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