Thank God for Friday!

Psalm 147:1 ~ Praise the LORD. How good it is to sing praises to our God,how pleasant and fitting to praise Him!

I can't believe another Friday came around so quickly. Since Thanksgiving is next week, I thought it especially fitting to give praises to God and thank Him for the many wonderful things He has done for me.

♫ Nathan told me yesterday that he just loves school and said, "You should have put me in a long time ago!" That made me laugh out loud because the reason I pulled him out was because he was miserable at the time. But praise God, he is happy and doing well!

♫ We are seeing hope for Nathan. He is doing well at his art. He is joining the volunteer fire department as a junior firefighter and is so excited. It may never turn into a career for him, but we don't know and it gives him some purpose!

♫ I have three children who work very hard in school and love it. They aren't star students, but they get an A in attitude and determination.

♫ I have a wonderful husband who loves me and works hard to provide for our family.

♫ I get to work part-time at a job that I love and yet, still be home when the children are home and turn it down when I need to.

♫ Praise God for modern medicine that allows us to heal from things that normally would be life-long, or life-threatening illnesses. Stephen has started a thyroid medicine because his levels were low, giving him very little energy.

♫ A beautiful home and wonderful landlord!

♫ God's mercies, which are new every morning!

What are you thankful for today?


  1. I'm thankful for ladies like you, who glorify God and acknowledge Him in everything. :)

  2. I am thankful for my FAMILY. My dad's death 2 years ago has taught me that every moment spent with family is precious and I try not to take them for granted. Terri, I would like to say thanks for all the motivational posts and I wish you and your family a very happy thanksgiving.


  3. What wonderful blessings Terri!
    I am thankful for a loving, healthy family.
    For the time to get projects done around and in the home.
    For three wonderful children and a husband whom I love & adore!
    For a warm house to snuggle into.
    And for God's grace and loving kindness!


  4. I believe God's heart jumps for joy when we thank Him for all He blesses us with. I am SO thankful to our Lord for His continuous faithfulness to me and my family. He never leaves nor forsakes us and is always there. I am SO, SO, grateful for His love.
    Thank you too for sharing your blessings.

  5. It is encouraging to see all the wonderful ways that God is working in your family life each week! He is so good and faithful!

    I am so thankful for God's abundant love and mercy!



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