Thank God for Fridays!

Psalm 95:6-7 (New International Version)

6 Come, let us bow down in worship,
let us kneel before the LORD our Maker;

7 for he is our God
and we are the people of his pasture,
the flock under his care.

In keeping with my new tradition of giving thanks and praise to God on Fridays, here are the things I'm so thankful for this week.

♫ Please rejoice with me on this one! On Sunday evening we are having a special baptism service and 15 people are making a public profession of their belief in Jesus Christ by being baptized. Whoo Hoo!!!! Isn't God great?

♫ Our wonderful, caring congregation gave us a gift on Sunday so that we can buy new mattresses for our beds. All of our mattresses are about 10-15 years old.

♫ God's provision by allowing me to substitute. I have teachers requesting me now so that has been a wonderful affirmation of my desire to teach. It also pays the bills! ;-)

♫ Nathan is doing so well in school. He is developing self-confidence. He is interacting with other students and teachers. He is making eye contact with others. He loves school and comes home and talks about it non-stop. This is so different than the way he was just 6 months ago. So while, I would never want to live through our summer ever again, I am thankful that the Lord allowed horrible circumstances to make positive changes.

So who wants to join me? Anything you want to praise God for?


  1. Oh wow Terri, I'm still praising God for the 15 people newly saved! God is GOOD!

    (thanks for your lovely welcome back to blogland) x

  2. What wonderful blessings Terri!
    I am thankful that business is slowly starting to pick-up and that my hubby had a good job the other day that paid well.
    I am also thankful for our church family that are so encouraging and such a blessing to our family!
    Have a wonderful weekend!



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