Making Stock

I made turkey stock yesterday. I assumed that most people make their own, but thought perhaps not. So I decided to share. It's so easy!


I took the leftover bones from our Thanksgiving turkey, as well as the legs and wings and put them in the freezer. Just throw them in a freezer bag and keep them there until you are ready for them.

I pulled them out, and didn't even defrost them. I just put them in a pot, along with celery, carrots, onions, garlic, a bay leaf, about 5 peppercorn and salt. Cover with water and simmer for an hour or two.

Pour through a strainer and viola! turkey stock.

You can do this with beef as well as chicken. I actually cut the meat off the legs and used it in a recipe last night. You can freeze the stock and use it as needed.


  1. I have never thought about making turkey stock or chicken stock and freezing it. That would be very handy for the soups and dumplings that I make often. I learn something new everyday. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.


  2. I love having chicken, turkey & beef stock in the freezer. So much cheaper and healthier!



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