Thankful Thursday


Today is the day to list the things the Lord has done for me over the past week. I want to have a constant spirit of thankfulness so this is a good exercise.

♫ I can truly say that the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places. I love my family, church family and life!

♫ After 5 months of almost once a week phone calls, our insurance finally paid a bill that they should have paid from the start. It had gone into collections and was stressing me out because we always pay our bills on time. However, it was a huge bill and supposed to be covered 100% so we battled it out. Praise the Lord, that's over!

♫ I started my first class of Junior Church this past Sunday and it went very well. One of the girls told her mother that she really liked it. My other children workers are happier too not having to deal with a huge age span in Children's Church.

♫ The boys started their new classes for the new semester and like their teachers.

♫ Praise God that I have insurance so that I can take Nathan to the specialists he needs. Without medical insurance there is no way we would be able to do this.

♫ God continually brings things into my life to keep my focus where it belongs. While it's painful at the moment, I always come out better for it.

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. Brilliant, Terri. You have much to give thanks for...isnt that marvellous?!

  2. Wonderful blessings Terri!

    I am thankful for some nice, mild weather so that we could get some projects done around our home. Also for God providing the funds so that we could do these projects!


  3. I was wondering if this would help Nathan:

  4. Anonymous, thank you for the link. Nathan has all the physical characteristics of Fragile X. That was one of the blood tests that was done on him. It came out negative, but the doctor said there are other strands of it that will only show up with genetic testing. That is why he is seeing a geneticist. I will bring up this article with the doctor. Thanks!

  5. Hi Terri.
    When in the mist of trials God always gives us somethings to be thankful for.Sounds like you had a blessed week. We got Good news today. I posted it on my blog.

  6. I'm thankful for a wonderful husband who is patient and kind.

    I'm thankful for good health, a warm house and good food on the table.

    I'm thankful for a wonderful church and a precious church family.

    I'm thankful for being able to live in the country that I do and have the freedom's that I have.

    And I'm thankful for my children and especially for you!


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