Be Still My Heart

Winter weather never used to bother me, but as I'm getting older I notice that the months of January and February are very hard for me. It's not so much the weather, but it's the dreary, gray days that make me feel down.

By the time we hit March, I'm longing for warmth and sunshine and flowers. I know in my head that spring is around the corner, but it's hard to be patient.

Yesterday morning, I walked Emily to the bus stop. As I came back to the house, I happened to glance to the left of my front door which had been brown and bare a few days before and this is what I saw.


That alone made my heart sing. Green! What a beautiful site.

Later in the day I ran to the store and as I was walking back into the house, I wanted to soak in the green again and this is the wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous sight that I saw.


My crocuses are up! A sure sign that spring is here. A wonderful sign that the earth is preparing for warmth. So while it's still in the 20s at night and we may get more snow before the month is coming, I was physically reminded that it won't be long before I get to dig in the dirt and feel the warm sun on my face again.

Be still my heart! ♥


  1. Isnt that just the best sight! It's a sure sign of Spring when the crocuses appear. Mine are all out, very purple.

  2. The past 3 winters have been hard on me so I know what you mean.

    Daffodils are blooming. Yes. . . spring will be here soon.


  3. The snowdrops aren't quite blooming here yet, but hopefully soon! The days are longer and a bit warmer. We still have piles of snow to get rid of.

  4. I understand...this past winter has not been so bad, as it has been quite mild here in the Northwest.
    We have been enjoying warmer than normal temps, but on the news last night they mentioned SNOW might be possible Monday & Tuesday...NO! I want to keep my springlike weather! Oh well, I guess I will work on some inside projects!


  5. I'm glad some signs of spring are coming your way! It does bring so much cheeriness!

    Have a blessed Sunday,

  6. You can still move down here to the sunny south. LOL!!! I would love to have you near by.

    I have to admit though that this winter has been unusually cold and the cold has hung on a lot longer than in other winters. Usually it is only cold here in December mainly and then we may have a cold week or two in Jan. or Feb. This winter once it turned cold it has stayed cold right up until this week.

    But today, the temperature was 69 degrees. It was 60 yesterday and it is suppose to be 71 tomorrow. Yeah! Spring is finally here in the south.


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