Thankful Thursday


Psalm 134:1-3 ~

1 Praise the LORD, all you servants of the LORD
who minister by night in the house of the LORD.

2 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary
and praise the LORD.

3 May the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth,
bless you from Zion.

I was a substitute teacher for a 4th grade class, so just didn't have time to put this up until now. It's time to look back over the week and reflect on all the wonderful things God has done.

This week I'm thankful for.....

♫ Our tax refund check that arrived in time to pay some bills.

♫ Dan & I went to a meeting the other night to see what options are available for us to help care for Nathan as he gets older. Things like Supplemental Security Income, guardianships and trusts were discussed. I was extremely overwhelmed, yet so thankful that we were able to get information.

♫ Nathan, who has never, ever had friends, has been able to make some friendships in his class. He has a friend from class call him almost every day. This is something we never imagined possible so it's a huge praise!

♫ Dan & I were able to minister to quite a few people in our church and community this week. We saw some direct answers to prayer.

♫ I've been called to substitute quite a bit lately which helps us financially.

♫ Dan & I have had some really good connecting time this week. It doesn't always happen because of our schedules, but this week has been good.

Well, that's it. What are you thankful for?


  1. Wonderful things to be thankful for Terri!
    I am thankful for an evening out with my hubby - a real date night! We were given a gift certifcate for dinner and enjoyed it very much!


  2. This is an interesting study which may have potential to help Nathan.

  3. Thank you anonymous for the information!


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