Yard Work


The day was gorgeous yesterday and we spent most of the afternoon outside doing yard work.

Dan turned over the soil in my garden for me, while I pulled the weeds.


Emily helped him a bit.


Stephen and Nathan mowed, raked and weed whacked.


I was able to put in my cabbage.


In the back garden I have lettuce, spinach, swiss chard and onions up and growing. Now I just have to wait another month to put in the rest of the vegetables. Unfortunately, around here there is still a chance of frost until around Memorial Day so even though I'm itching to get everything in, I'm going to have to be patient.

It was a nice day and we got a lot accomplished. This morning I woke up to rain so we picked a good day to do it and I don't have to water! :-)



  1. We could do with some of your rain, Terri. The ground is so dry that we cant put plants in right now.

  2. Family work days can be fun. Your seedlings look great. We too have to wait to put the rest of the garden veggies, but I love the lettuce, spinach, chard and beets we are getting from our spring. Soon you will be too!



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