Blogging Slump

This is how I feel lately. Dry, uninteresting, uncreative, nothing new to say. Much of it is because I have been subbing a lot lately...A LOT! I love teaching and I love children, but by the end of the day every creative, interesting thing has been sucked right out of my brain!

We've had car repairs, as well as needing money for a couple of other big bills so I don't want to turn down these opportunities when they arise. So, I'm not sure how interesting or fresh some of my blog posts will be over the next few weeks, but I'll try!

I'm going to be working in my garden this weekend so hopefully I will get inspired. My thirsty creative juices certainly could use some water!


  1. I'll be praying the work in the garden helps. It is always great therapy for me, besides the sore muscles that is. :) Great time for reflection and prayer.
    May you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Terri, your posts are always lovely to read, and very encouraging. I know it is easy to be discouraged and feel you have nothing to take a rest, and dont worry about creativity.

  3. Terri, I know exactly how you feel! I've been avoiding my blog again..... but after a 10 hour work day its hard to post something ..... praying for you!

  4. Terri, I always love reading your posts...your creative feelings will come back, perhaps after a much-deserved rest. Hugs, xx

  5. I feel the same way! The garden seems much more interesting to me this year.

  6. Go over to my blog and see what I made recently. And I have a book review, too. Maybe that will help!

  7. I always enjoy reading your posts Terri! I have been feeling much the same lately so I can understand. I'm sure working out in the garden will give some perfect inspiration. Looking forward to what the Lord has for you to share!


  8. working in your garden should get you feeling renewed and energized! looking forward to seeing how the gardening is going.

  9. Ha Ha they suck the life out of my brain too. Well that explains me. I miss you Terri hope to see you soon. Stephanie

  10. I'm sure you will soon get those creative juices flowing again. A few boring days with garden work and house work will get the process started real quick. Besides, I don't think you can go for any long spell without finding something to write about. Remember I'm the mom whose ear you talked off all day long when you were young that's why I don't have any creative sucked them all out of me!!! LOL!!!!


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