Heavenly Smells


My lilac bushes are in full bloom in the yard and it smells wonderful! They are my favorite flower and I love their scent.


We have a large crab apple tree in our yard and a few weeks ago there was not one bloom on it. I thought for sure we were not going to get any fruit this year. However, the weather has been extremely warm and we've also had a few rain showers and yesterday I walked outside to this sight.


The tree is loaded with blossoms so it looks like we may be getting a good crop this year.

Between the lilacs and the apple blossoms, my yard smells heavenly!



  1. Beautiful!
    I love lilacs too!


  2. Lilacs are my favorite too.

  3. I have always loved Lilacs, too!! Wonderful scents. Isn't spring wonderful especially after those long winters.

  4. How beautiful! Stunning photographs too! :)


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