Saturday Project

Our home is in such a strange location. We live on a commercial street that dead ends into the train parking lot next to our house. The property holds three buildings: a huge white home that used to be the local funeral home, a building behind it that I used for 3D Girls last year and our home where the funeral director used to live.

Directly across the street is the train platform and other than the few minutes the train is in the station, the street is deserted. While our front yard overlooks the train platform, the backyard looks out over rolling hills and a meadow. So it's the best of both worlds.

We have a picket fence that surrounds the front of the property. It gives us some privacy and protection. Parts of it were replaced this year when a car hit it and knocked it down. The parts that were not replaced have seen better days and we really felt that it was an eyesore.

Fortunately for us, we have a wonderful landlord who is a blessing to us. He is a Christian and he likes us and loves to help out the boys so he will hire them out to do odd jobs around the house. He pays them to mow the adjacent lot and then will also pay for extra jobs.

We asked him about painting the fence and he gave the okay, as well as purchasing the supplies. I was not the only one who was busy yesterday. Dan and all three children worked at this project.

Here is a before shot of half of the fence. It runs from one side of our driveway to the old funeral home. The other half runs from the other side of our driveway and around the corner of our property towards the parking lot.


Dan got them set up with paint brushes and paint pans and assigned them each a section of fence.


Then they got to work.




Here is the finished job. They still have to do the other half of the fence on the opposite side of the driveway and will probably finish up next weekend.


I plan on planting some flowers along the fence and adding some mulch. I think they did a wonderful job and it makes such a big difference to have fresh paint on the fence.


  1. It looks so different and much nicer. Would they come and paint for me next??!

  2. The fence looks great!


  3. Nice project !! The pic reminds me of a Huck Finn story !

  4. Very nice, I love Red, and we painted our yard table Red this weekend too, hugs, Barbara

  5. That was a great family project and it looks great! Bet those commuters enjoy the view better now!


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