Thankful Hearts

Philippians 4:6 ~

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

As much as I don't like to think so, I'm pretty much a glass half empty type of person. It's hard for me to always think positively about things. I tend to get very anxious. All three of my children struggle with anxieties and they came by it honestly. ;-)

So as I read this verse and understand that I should not be anxious, and that I should give the Lord all my concerns the thing that jumps out at me is the words, "with thanksgiving."

We are to thank the Lord for those things that cause us to be anxious. I think the main reason is that it causes us to go to the only solution we have - the Lord. I haven't done this in a few weeks, mainly because I've allowed busyness and anxiousness to get in the way of thinking of all the ways God has blessed me.

So here is my list of thankful things....

♫ I'm thankful that Emily did not hurt herself worse. She was starting to slow down when the swing broke. Otherwise, she could of done a lot more damage.


♫ We are starting to get some answers for Nathan. There is something very serious going on in his body that can be dangerous and would answer many questions about his neurological issues (such as the tics) and health issues, but thank the Lord for doctors who are taking the time to figure it out.

♫ For a garden that is doing well and we are starting to reap the benefits of the cooler weather veggies.

I should also thank the Lord for the ability to get out there today and weed too! ;-)

♫ For the love and ongoing mercy and grace of family.

♫ For children who are willing to help in many ways.

♫ For a husband who works hard to provide for his family.


♫ For brothers who are best friends.


♫ For a very positive experience with the public school this year. I have to say that this was a huge, gut-wrenching anxiety for me. But thank the Lord for teachers who have poured their lives into my children!

I found as I typed this list, I did start to feel more positive about things. Perhaps that is why the Lord tells us to count our blessings!


  1. Good morning Terri ~

    What a wonderful list of things to be thankful for! God is so good!

    Your garden looks wonderful too!


  2. I too struggle with worries. You are not alone. I have this verse memorized and repeat it when I start worrying. I do feel God's peace come over me. I just leave the worries to Him. God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  3. Yes, you do have a list of good things to be thankful for! It is hard to be thankful for things that you worry about.

    I guess school will soon be out for summer and you can relax a little more.

  4. I can really empathise with you Terri, and I too, turn to this verse often.

    I heard a great quote once, can't remember it exactly, but it was like, "everything is in God's hands, and whatever is going to happen to us in life will happen whether we worry about it or not, so why worry?"

    Hugs, xx

  5. You have a lot of things to be thankful for and I see the Lord doing mighty things in and through you so it might just be that when you are going through certain trials several things might be going on:

    1. The Lord could be trying to teach you some experience so that you can be a help to someone else or just be teaching you something that you need to learn for yourself.

    2. He could be building your faith. Every time you go through a trial, you learn that God is big enough for that problem or any problem and your faith increases for the next test.

    3. He may be telling you to trust Him for whatever trial comes your way....that He is a God to be trusted. He also likes to be praised and be given the glory for what he does.

    I know that you know all these things so I guess you and all of us just need to practice being grateful, thankful and praiseful people. That is what gives glory to God.

    Sorry to sound like I'm giving a sermon.

    Love Mom

  6. It certainly has been a year of transition for you. Not only have you gone from homeschooling to a great year of public schooling, but you have been teaching in public school yourself! I'm sure you could not have imagined this for your family 5 years ago!

  7. Being thankful in all situations is a hard way to train ourselves to think. But God gives us peaks and valleys for a reason. He is the Almighty!
    If we always walked in ease, would we really rely on Him? It's those times when we need Him the most that He holds out His arms and surrounds us when we ask for Him to come close.
    Thanks Terri.

  8. I read this post yesterday, and didn't have time to leave a comment. BUT, it stuck with me throughout the afternoon, and I have to tell you how encouraging it was. You are right when you say that God tells us to count our blessings for a reason.

    I know you must be on edge with waiting to hear things about Nathan. As a mom, I think our children's well being is a huge stress factor. I'm praying that you'll get answers soon.


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