Wowzer! What a Productive Day!

After my whiny post yesterday and going to bed feeling very sick to my stomach last night, I woke up and felt kind of blah this morning. However, after lounging around for about an hour or so, I got up and got productive!

Here is what I did so far today:

♥ Did a crossword puzzle and watched a movie (that was the lazy part of the day)

♥ Made blueberry pancakes and sausage for breakfast

♥ Cleaned up breakfast dishes

♥ Showered & dressed

♥ Made French baguettes for lunch


♥ 3 loads of laundry - washed, dried, folded & put away

♥ Planted herb garden - basil, cilantro, dill, rosemary, and spearmint

♥ Planted vegetable garden - beans, cucumbers, squash, and pumpkin (tomatoes & peppers will go in next week)

♥ Picked & washed lettuce and spinach


♥ Made lunch (tossed salad, fruit salad, baguettes, cheese)


♥ Cleaned up lunch dishes

♥ Made, copied and folded church bulletins

♥ Made lemon poppy seed and molasses crinkle cookie dough and chilled

♥ Had an expresso "coffee break" with my husband

♥ Made hamburgers, homefries, and broccoli for dinner

♥ Dinner & cleanup

♥ Baked cookies


♥ Put together children's church lesson


♥ Put together Junior church lesson

♥ Crashed!

I wish every day was so productive. :-)


  1. Wow! What a great day. Made me tired just reading about it. It is such a good feeling getting so much accomplished in one day. May you have a restful Lord's Day.

  2. Whew...that is a busy day! My day was very lazy compared to that!

    Have a lovely day!


  3. Impressive! Now if you can make it through church tomorrow without falling asleep you'll be doing really well. (Speaking from experience!) I'm glad you got so much done.

  4. Hi Terri,
    Wow I am pooped. LOL What a wonderful day. Isn't it amazing the energy God gives us.

  5. Well, half of that would have finished me off!

  6. Sometimes it's good to just plow ahead and not listen to the urges to "rest" and "take it easy"
    I usually feel better when I just get up and going...
    You really accomplished a lot!

  7. Don't you just love days like that?!
    I love it when I can get so much done. It feels good.

    the lettuce looks great! how is your garden coming along? Has the weather cooperated? I just went out to check our garden in between rain downpours and we have 12 little radish sprouts already!! I just planted them last Tuesday.. they are so fast.

    Are you planning on sharing that cookie recipe? looks yummy!

  8. Wow! You should get up feeling louzy more often if this is the outcome. I don't accomplish half of that when I'm feeling great! LOL!

    You must really get a lot done when your feeling great!!!!


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