Thankful Hearts

Psalm 34:3 ~

Glorify the LORD with me;
let us exalt His name together.

Today is the day when I reflect over the past week and think of all the Lord has done for me. I love this verse because as a body of believers we can reflect on God together and lift up His name in praise!

Today I am thankful for.....

♫ Fun outings with friends.


♫ The winding down of a very successful school year.

♫ Plants that have taken root and are thriving.


♫ A successful community day at the park with about 75 children stopping by to do a craft and get a goody bag.

♫ Longer days to enjoy God's creation.


♫ Bird songs all day long.


♫ Flowers blooming all summer to lift my spirits.


Can you give Him the glory today?


  1. Your post made me feel so hopeful - thanks terri

  2. What lovely things in your life Terri.

  3. I am thankful for beautiful weather, the nicest husband in the world, a fully-stocked pantry and freezer (HE gave the brains to get it all cheap, LOL!), healthy hands that can sew and crochet...
    ...and a son who will be 20 on Saturday who cracks me up as much as he drives me nuts!

    BTW, how'd you like the Bronx Zoo? I haven't been there in years!

  4. I am thankful for good friends, a good surgeon and really nice and friendly hospital staff and a surgery gone very well. All the prayers of friends and family carried us through a tough day.

  5. I love the new header. The middle picture is so beautiful!

    My Thankful list for today:
    -friends to have fun with
    -children's laughter
    -my husband
    -my son's growing into young men
    -opportunities to learn great things for my kids
    -green growth in the garden
    -school's almost out

    Have a great day, Terri!


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