How Does My Garden Grow


This has been a great year for the garden and it is humming along nicely. I'm starting to harvest some of the veggies out of it. There is nothing like biting into a vegetable fresh off the vine!

The peppers are coming in nicely.


I harvested my onions and the skins are drying in the sun.


There are a ton of little cucumbers growing on the vine.


I'm starting to get beans.


We ate our first cabbage yesterday.


Yellow squash.


The tomatoes are growing and I can't wait for them to ripen. Hopefully, we will have a large harvest this year. The grape tomatoes & roma plums are coming in nicely but my Big Boys seem to only have one or two blossoms and no tomatoes yet so we'll have to wait and see how they do.

Other things maturing: peas, zucchini, pumpkins, kale, kohlrabi, spinach, lettuce, eggplant, basil, mint, thyme, rosemary, oregano, dill, parsley, sage, and tarragon.

Before Saturday we hadn't had rain in about three weeks so I was doing a lot of watering. I didn't want to put in all the effort and money in the garden just to have it wither. It seems to have paid off though as everything is growing well.

How is your garden doing?


  1. Everything looks beautiful and delicious! We've needed rain here, too, and I woke up to the sound it it this morning. Praise God!

  2. What a prolific harvest!
    We are freezing so mcuh out of the garden now. It is a joy to eat a meal with most of the food coming from the garden.
    The French salt their beans but we dont care for them like that.

  3. Your plants are looking beautiful. My garden is a mess this year, probably a combination of bad seeds, too much rain and other things on our mind. I am already making plans for next year.

  4. Your garden looks great Terri!! I have alot of flowers on my cucumber, bean, and tomatoe plants. My corn stalks are getting really big as well, but my yellow squash didn't come up!!:0( We too have had very little rain but the humidity really made the garden explode!! We also bought a container to start composting so hopefully my garden will be healthier next year!!:0) Have a wonderful week!!

  5. It certainly is growing good, ours is about finished here, been hot hot and then hotter, had rain yesterday and all is very green and pretty today, I know I love fresh fruits and veggies, and you will enjoy all yours too, hugs


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