Thankful Hearts

Psalm 135

1 Praise the LORD.
Praise the name of the LORD;
praise him, you servants of the LORD,

2 you who minister in the house of the LORD,
in the courts of the house of our God.

3 Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good;
sing praise to his name, for that is pleasant.

I love verse 3 of this Psalm. It is more pleasant to remember the good things the Lord has done for you, than to sit and dwell on the negative. Whenever I forget that and have a whiny day, I always feel worse. I find it much more beneficial to look at the positives going on in my life.

Here is my list of praises this week:

♫ Stephen had a wonderful time canoeing, backpacking and camping in the Adirondack Mountains last week and made it back safely on Saturday. He even got to fly in a hydroplane over the area that they were going.


♫ He finally found a job and started yesterday and loves it.

♫ My garden is continuing to produce fairly well.


♫ I had jury duty this week and was not looking forward to it. You have to call in each night to see if they need you the next day. I made it through the whole week without having to go in!

♫ 3D Girls continues to be a success and I love seeing the girls learning how to look things up in their Bibles and have enthusiasm for learning about God.


♫ Flowers in abundance!


Can you praise Him this week?


  1. I praise God for providing for us, even though hubby has had no work for three weeks now. We are eating well, have a safe place to live and each other. Praise HIM! :)

  2. I praise God for a wonderful husband, our health and my children and especially for you, my sweet daughter!

    Love, Mom


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