An Attitude of Gratitude

If only......

How many times do we say these words?

If only my circumstances were different than I would be thankful. If only I had more money. If only I lived in a bigger house. If only I were married. If only I had a child. If only I had two children. If only my health was better. If only my husband wasn't such a pain to live with. If only I had better neighbors.

If only.

Yet, we are called to live in with an attitude of gratitude in the midst of all circumstances - good and bad. We find it easy to feel thankful when things are going our way. How about when things don't look so good?

I've been trying to use to have an attitude of gratitude and not just an "ATTITUDE!"

It's not always easy, but this weekly exercise helps. In keeping with the title of this blog post, I'm thankful for blessings #11-25

♫ Dinner from a friend that stretched into a second dinner the next night.

♫ A time change that allows me to enjoy early morning sunshine.


♫ A daughter singing worship songs at the top of her lungs as she works on different projects.

♫ A husband who values my opinion.

♫ Beautiful voice lifted in worship.


♫ A son who takes part each Sunday.


♫ Another son learning new skills.


♫ Breakfast served by that same son.


♫ A group of pastors who took time out of their busy schedules to travel many miles to visit and offer advice and encouragement to Dan about the growth of our church.

♫ Being able to reach out to others and bless them with creativity.


♫ Renewed vision and enthusiasm.

♫ The warmth of a fire.


♫ Gorgeous blue skies.


♫ More energy at the end of the day.

♫ A kind fire instructor willing to give testing accomodations.


♫ The desire to look at my circumstances differently.

Are you working on having an attitude of gratitude?

holy experience


  1. Very good list, Terri. An attitude of gratitude is something I think we all need more of, especially at this time of the year. Thank you for reminding us.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  2. Beautiful post Terri, with lots to think about.

  3. It was a blessing to read your blog on ways to focus on being grateful.

    Your tables at your church for a special meal were beautiful.

    We have so much to be thankful and grateful for. We need to express our gratitude and thankfulness to the Lord way more often than we do.


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