A Holy Experience


Raindrops on windows and tears on my face. Both water from heaven.

The one God's provision for the earth. The other a sign of remorse for careless words stumbling out of my mouth that caused hurt. Words can cause such joy and at yet, out of the same mouth can cause pain.

Other words play over and over in my head...



Not good enough

You don't matter.

Words straight from the enemy's mouth into my heart. Words that cause my head to hang low and my shoulders to slump. Words that took a Sabbath day and turned it into one of emotional wrestling and turmoil.

Words that made my already sick body feel even sicker. Today, I stayed home because I felt ill. My stomach ached and my head pounded. My intention was to rest.

I ended up with my own holy experience.



It's such an important word. As is mercy and grace and restoration and repentance.

Words that help me raise my head high and the weight to lift off my shoulders. Words that give me the courage to ask for forgiveness. Words that offer relief and hope.

It is only fitting that today I decided to join in at Ann's blog, A Holy Experience, and begin to list my multitude of blessings each Monday.

Blessings #1-10

♥ A sick day that turned into a time of fellowship and learning from the Lord.

♥ a warm house and a hardworking husband.

♥ apple-cinnamon scented candles that make my house smell good.


♥ Apples of a different kind that were generously given by a friend.


♥ Tea and time in His word that is readily available. Many in other countries find themselves in jail for what I take for granted.


♥ The beauty in a simple leaf created just because it gives Him pleasure.


♥ The blessing of children who love the Lord.

♥ A quiet day at home to rest and craft.

♥ Last days to enjoy warmish days before winter sets in.



♥ His forgiveness which is freely given.

holy experience


  1. Life cant' always be a song-
    You have to have trouble to make you strong.
    So whenever you are troubled
    and everything goes wrong,
    It is just God working in you
    to make your spirit strong.
    -Helen Steiner Rice

    Praying that your day is getting brighter...take care & God bless!


  2. Thank God for His mercy, love and forgiveness. Just passing by.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that someone spoke unfittingly to you! But very thankful and blessed to hear how God used that to minister to you today.

    You have been such an inspiration to me over the last year or so! I thank God for you!

    God bless you today and always.

    With love, A quiet friend

  4. So happy you've joined in the counting!

  5. Words can hurt for a long long time.
    Warm wishes and hugs to you.


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