Multitude Monday


Something that I strive for all the time. If I'm not in control of a situation, I feel like something is not right with my world. I feel unsettled and anxious. Yet, God calls us to live a life of abandonment to Him. Of letting go and allowing Him to work in my life. Letting Him be in charge of what happens to me.

In so many ways I try to keep an iron-clad grip on my life. Slowly, as God works in my life, I'm letting go one finger at a time. I'll do okay for a while and then I'll realize that the fist is clenched again. It's hard to trust that He will work things out for my good. Yet, I know He will. I know He loves me and that when I am in charge things don't always go so well. The Lord knows what I need and what is best for me. I have always grown when I step out in faith.

One thing that helps in trusting God for my life, is looking around me with fresh eyes at the many blessings He has given me.

Blessings #26-35

♥ A child who is another step closer to achieving his goal.

♥ Pink skies each morning.


♥ A job that allows me to laugh my way through each day.

♥ A full moon to light the way.


♥ The crackling of radiators warming the house each morning.

♥ The smell of bacon in the air.

♥ Two unexpected gifts in the mail from dear friends.

♥ Gingerbread men waiting for the oven.


♥ Snuggling under warm blankets in a cold room.

♥ Waiting with excitement for relatives coming for a visit.


♥ Brightening the holiday of 20 families with 20 baskets of food.

holy experience


  1. Hi Teri,
    We must be twins. LOL God is working in my life with the control issue. I am learning to let go and allow Him to carry out his plans for me. I learning not to fix everything and everybody. To mine my own business. It is tough at times.
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. I enjoyed reading your list of Blessings. It brings a smile to my face as you talk about being in control and trying to let go and let God. I smile because it reminds me of me. It is a hard lesson to learn but God knows so much more than we do and somehow when we are in control or think we are, things always seem to get out of control. Being in control is an exhausting job and someone always messes it up so its better to leave everything to God. I talk as if I know what I'm talking about but I don't. I just keep trying to trust God and hope that the day will come when I can say that I have learned to trust him in everything.

    Have a Blessed Thanksgiving, Terri!


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