Blizzard 2010


Our first major storm of the year was a big one and ended up being a blizzard. The nice thing about it was that I had no where to go and nothing was happening. It was nice just to hunker in and watch the snow and wind.


We ended up with almost 2 feet of powdery snow.


Then came the task of shoveling out.


Emily went out after it cleared up and had a great time playing in the snow.


After that, she warmed herself by the fire.


Then we had steaming bowls of lentil soup and homemade oatmeal bread.



It was a good day!


  1. Nice that you still feel thankful after all that snow!! Your soup and bread look very tasty, perfect for warming up! Emily looks rosy-cheeked after her fun in the snow! :)

  2. burrrrr Teri that is just way too much for me, it was 18° here today and that is way too cold, hugs and stay warm, Barbara

  3. That really is snow! There is nothing like a steaming bowl of soup to warm you up.

  4. Wow! Lots of Snow to look at and the blessing is that you have two healthy boys to shovel it for you!

    Your soup and bread makes my mouth water. That is just the kind of meal to have on a cold winters day.

    Emily's day playing in the snow has given her a healthy glow.

    Now for me, I'll take the 3" of snow that we got over your several feet any day. LOL! Which by the way is almost gone after two really sunny days down here in the South.

  5. WOW...that is a lot of snow! We just have rain on the west coast this Christmas season! :)
    Cute picutres of the kids!


  6. We watched this on TV last night with me shouting "My friend Terri lives there" !!
    Glad you're off school and able to just sit back a bit and make soup and enjoy.
    God bless.


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