Multitude Monday

I've had a tough week, made tougher because I feel overwhelmed with working full-time and still dealing with the same responsibilities as a pastor's wife that I've always had. Logically, I know I'm feeling this way right now because there is so much going on in the church at this time of the year. I know this feeling will pass once the busyness of the holiday season passes, but it still is exhausting at times.

My nerves feel taut, like a rubber band that has been pulled to the breaking point. It's at times like this that I really struggle with my attitude. I've been working hard had keeping my eyes fixed on the Lord and praying my way through each day.

Focusing on my many blessings certainly helps at times like these. This week, I'm thankful for...

Blessings #66-80:

♫ Twelve beautiful voices lifted in song at our 3D Girl's Christmas program.

♫ Smiles from my teenage sons.

♫ A school child-study team who really understand the special needs of Nathan.

♫ A principal who took immediate action on mean-spirited teasing.

♫ Reading to my son to help him with his goals.

♫ A beautiful sunrise, glimpsed through the window.


♫ An afternoon spent with my husband.

♫ The generosity of our church family, allowing us to Christmas shop early this year.

♫ Medical benefits that I can provide through my job.

♫ Sticky fingers, working together to create a memory.


♫ Renewed enthusiasm on frugal living.

♫ Cookies, ready to go into the oven.


♫ Explaining God's word to my children.

♫ The ability to keep 21 children entertained all day long with giggles and smiles.

and this week,

♫ The joy of knowing His mercies are new every day!

Can you count your blessings?

holy experience


  1. Another lovely post, reminding us all to be thankful. Terri, are you sure we weren't separated at birth?? I feel exactly the same way as you at the moment. Sending you hugs, sis! xxxx

  2. That must be tough Terri, I know how hard a pastors wife works and to have a full time job on top of it can not be easy. Make sure you take care of you too though and if you need to delegate some of the work to others in the congregation, they would be more then willing to help you out!! God Bless you and I pray you have a wonderful and peaceful week!:0)

  3. I hate you having such worries when you are such a good kind person Terri. I pray for you often. I know our Father has a plan.

  4. Sorry that life has been so busy and crazy for you lately, but what wonderful blessings to reflect on!


  5. Terri, you are in my prayers. I admire you for all the things you fot into your busy life.


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