Multitude Monday

Being thankful. This is something that should come easily, but really is so difficult. I know that I struggle at times to feel thankful about the things in my life. The problems seem overwhelming and it feels as if there is nothing good going on in my life.

Yet, Hebrews 13:15 tells us, "Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name." Praise is a sacrifice. It is hard! Yet, if we are believers we are required to do this.

There is so much negativity in this world and so many people who complain about everything. They suck the life out of everyone around them. I don't want to be one of those people. I want to enjoy my life and thank God for everything in it.

I had decided months ago that I would take one day a week to use this blog to list my blessings. Then I read Ann Voskamp's blog and realized that others were doing the same thing. It's nice to know that others out there are choosing to look at the positive. That they are making a deliberate effort to look for the blessings in the mundane.

This week, I am thankful for...

Blessings #97-111

♥ A blazing fire.


♥ Best friends exchanging gifts.


♥ Creamy glasses of eggnog, a once a year treat.


♥ Thoughtful gifts from friends.

♥ The sound of my husband practicing for Christmas Eve.


♥ A beautiful moon, lighting our way home on Christmas Eve. (This picture does not do it justice. It was huge and orange)


♥ A son helping with Christmas dinner.


♥ A warm home in the middle of a roaring blizzard.

♥ The ability to bless others during this season.


♥ My child who loves to give to others.


♥ Listening to my daughter singing on Christmas eve.

♥ Giving my husband a coupon book full of little things he loves.


♥ A gift that was unexpectedly her favorite.


♥ Feeling well again after days of illness.


♥ Celebrating the birth of our Savior!


Join us each Monday as we count our blessings.


  1. I'm so glad you are feeling better Terri.

  2. Thank you for leaving a comment, I have been enjoying your writtings and photos for some time now. I hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. I love your blog Terri - it points me in the right direction some days. Today is one of those days. I am thankful for you! :-)

  4. So glad that you are counting, because the gifts, they really are endless.

    I'm thankful that you're feeling well, and that you're safe and warm in the midst of all the snow.

  5. Why is it hard to be thankful sometimes? I think it is the flesh that we tend to live out of instead of the spirit. May you continue to live out Christmas each day and may your share His love to all that you meet each day.


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