Budding Photographer

I am very proud of Emily! This child has never taken a picture in her life. Nathan got a camera for Christmas and gave Emily his old one. It's a little point and shoot that is falling apart and it's not in the best shape.

Yesterday, she sat by the window and watched the birds on the bird feeder. Now, keep in mind that the tree and feeder are about 20 feet from the house. And she took the pictures through two, count them....

2 panes of glass!!

I can't take a decent picture of a bird to save my life. Look how good she did on her first try!


This girl is a photographer in the making!


  1. Good for you, Emily! These are really very good.

  2. Clever girl! Love them! :)

  3. Great pictures, Emily! I love them. I try taking pictures of birds too and they never look as good as yours. I'm impressed!!! :)


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