January Review

I realized this year that one of the reasons I didn't do such a great job sticking with my goals in 2010 was because I never did a monthly review.

So I wanted to look back over January and see how I did so far.

Spiritual Goals
♥ Have consistent quiet time with the Lord
♥ Read through the Bible
♥ Write devotionals for my family for our Advent Jesse Tree next Christmas. I want to write something for older children/teens as the one I have is for younger children.

Well, after a rocky start I've been doing much better with the top one. What has helped is to keep the computer off until after I'm done. I haven't even touched the other two yet.

Marriage Relationship Goals
♥ Spend one evening a week on a date with dh (right now it's been Thursday nights)
♥ Ask dh each day what I can do to help him out.
♥ Make a point of telling dh each day of something that I appreciate about him. I want to do a better job of pointing out what he does right, rather than what he is doing wrong!

Oh dear.....I've bombed on this. I definitely need to refocus.

Relationship with Children
♥ Work on remaining calm when dealing with problems.
♥ Work on communicating with the boys as adults and less like they are still little boys and ordering them around.
♥ Consistent family devotions
♥ Take Emily out for one on one time at least 2-3 times per month. She really seems to need this from me.

Family devotions are doing good. In fact, Dan started having the children take turns every week leading and that seems to go well.

Remaining calm is going to take A LOT more work on my part!

I have found with Emily that sometimes all she needs is me to give her some undivided attention - playing games, talking, listening to her read me something she wrote.

Health & Nutrition
♥ Lose 35 lbs. this year (HAH! This one definitely needs a do over!)
♥ Regular exercise - at least 4-5 times per week.
♥ Work on tweaking recipes to make them healthier


That should tell you about that.

Household & Organizational Items
♥ Write out a menu each week and shop accordingly
♥ Make a shopping list before I go
♥ Use cash for shopping (I find it easier to stick to the budget when I have cash)
♥ Put together a household manual (I planned on doing this in 2010, but it never happened)
♥ Stick to a regular cleaning schedule
♥ Work on having cards ready at the beginning of each month for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. This way all I have to do is pop a stamp on and mail them so they are received on time.
♥ Work on Christmas gifts throughout the year so it doesn't sneak up on me again. It was definitely an adjustment working full-time, so I need to be ahead of the game.

Menu is a definite, as is the shopping list.

I've been doing the cash for shopping and am happy with the results.

I also have made all of the cards for February and they are ready to go. Now if I could just remember to mail them on time! ;-)

I've also gotten back into a sewing routine and have a couple of projects in the works.

I started on the household manual and have a couple of pages done.

Cleaning schedule - didn't happen!

Ministry Goals
♥ Reduce the amount of things that I'm doing in order to allow others to step up and minister
♥ Continue writing my Wednesday Words of Encouragement to the ladies at church
♥ Pray deliberately for the women in our church

Wednesday Words are a definite, as is the praying for women in our church.

I actually relinquished two jobs and am looking to see what else I can tweak or let go of. This is a hard one for me, but I'm trying!

Overall, I haven't done badly after one month into the year. Reviewing it each month is definitely going to help though.


  1. Terri, I think you have done very well so far this year. I chuckled about the hahahaha part! I may need to do a weekly review as the year goes on! LOL Its so easy to slip back into old routines.

  2. I laughed too, Terri, so you can add to your list...'brought laughter into people's lives'.

    with a full time job as well as all the rest I can't imagine how you find any time to even make lists, let alone stick to them! I think you do brilliantly.

  3. I loved your list and think that you're doing a great job. I wonder if it's too late to make my own list. :-)

  4. I enjoyed the hahaha bit too...seems like we all need to laugh at ourselves from time to time. :)

    Don't wear yourself out by trying too hard Terri, enjoy yourself too. xxxx

  5. Terri, I love your honesty and openness. Your goal to "Reduce the amount of things that I am doing in order to allow others to step up and minister" is one I am working on. I need to learn that things can be done differently than I would do them and that's okay. Also, if I keep volunteering to do everything I could be taking the joy away from someone else who would like to do that job.

    I love coming to visit you every day. Thanks for sharing. Debbi

  6. Hi Terri,
    You are doing good. I found cash works best for me too.
    Have a wonderful day.

  7. Terri ~

    I think you have done great...it has only been one month and that is a full list!
    Trust in God to help you with you list and know that you are being kept in my prayers! :)


  8. Boy, it's been awhile since I've been here to visit!
    Great idea to revisit goals to see what you've accomplished and what still needs work.
    But I think it's important not to "beat ourselves up" when we haven't completed a goal. You have a wonderful list of goals.
    you made me laugh at the HAHAHAHAHA goal list! that's funny. Don't we all feel that way?!


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