Multitude Monday

Good news
Bad news
Stressful news
Hopeful news

A turn of events this past week that have caused my emotions to take roller coaster soars and dips. A pounding headache and perpetual knot in my stomach show that I've dipped more than soared.

One thing I do know is that God is in control. God has a plan for me and my family. He will work all things according to His purposes. So, I can either choose to rant and rave and wail my way through life or I can hang on tight to His promises and see where He is taking me.

While I may not necessarily be ranting and raving and wailing, unfortunately I do quite a bit of whimpering and moaning! :-) However, I do trust God. I know that I will follow wherever He leads. I'm learning to follow immediately though and not meander through my own paths.

We made the decision this week to move to our church's parsonage. This decision was primarily a financial one. We are struggling here. The church has only been able to pick up half of Dan's salary and his part-time job has not generated the hours we need. This move will not only help us financially as we will not have to pay any utilities, but it will help the church who is currently paying our rent.

So I'm moving out of my dream house and into a new house. It is a 5 bedroom house next door to the church and on 9 acres of land. There is a lot of space for the kids to roam and explore. The floors and bathrooms in the house were redone last year, as well as getting fresh paint in every room.

Unfortunately, it is in a different school district, so not only will be living in a totally different community, but the children have to switch schools. For those of you who do not know the past history, we were part of a church plant in our current town. Two and a half years ago our church plant merged with a church in another community 12 miles away and Dan became pastor of the newly formed congregation. Because we had just moved to this house, the church agreed to have us stay here.

Right now there is a tenant living in the parsonage and she was very understanding about our need to move there. We asked her to move at the end of June, however she has found something already and will be out at the end of March. This means that I have an entire house to pack up in one month.


We have to see if the children's current school district will allow them to finish out the final three months of this year. Of course, my concern is that they may say, "No." which means they will have to change schools in the middle of the year. That is also adding some stress.

Emily shed a few tears at switching schools, but overall the kids are taking it fairly well. There is a firehouse right next door to the church so Nathan can literally run there. He met a teacher at the vocational school he goes to who is the assistant chief of the new fire department, as well as our next door neighbor at the new house. This will also put us in a better location for the services Nathan needs as it is much closer to places of employment.

As I put Emily to bed the other night she told me she didn't mind moving any more. When I asked why she said, "Too many things are happening that can't be coincidences." "God must want us to move!" Her faith was a good reminder for me.

Other news...

Emily fell at basketball practice on Thursday night and fractured the same wrist she broke last Spring. So she is in a cast....again.

We heard from our accountant and are getting slammed with a $3,300 federal tax bill more than double the amount we anticipated. That was "punch in the gut" news as we don't have it. Not sure what we are going to do there, but I'm trusting God for the answer.

In a nutshell, that was my week. It was not a great one, but I'm choosing to praise Him for the blessings I did see.

Blessings #211-230

♥ A friend telling me she loved me. I needed to hear it yesterday.

♥ A daughter who made the honor roll.

♥ A fractured wrist that is not as bad as it could have been.


♥ Two beautiful teenage girls who gave up something very difficult for one week.

♥ Free, farm-fresh eggs every few weeks from a couple at church.

♥ A friend taking over the next ladies luncheon, freeing me up to just go and enjoy it!

♥ An offer of a 24 ft. truck to help move.

♥ A girl who sees God's hand on our lives.


♥ God orchestrating every aspect of this move.

♥ Every time Dan's hours get shorted, God provides income a different way.

♥ Beautiful sunshiny days


♥ A sweet friend who is cancer free.

♥ Because we are moving much earlier than anticipated, I can have a garden after all this year. I thought that was not going to happen.

♥ Baking bread with Emily.


♥ A church family who rallies when they need to.

♥ Children who look at the opportunities and not the obstacles.

♥ A sunset that comes later each day.


♥ People praying for us.

♥ A landlord who also told us because we are such good tenants that if we need to stay a week or two past April 1st that he won't charge us anything.

and finally...

♥ Reminders that God will provide a way when there seems to be no way.


Won't you join us in counting your blessings?


  1. Oh Terri - what a week. But you know as I read I just thought maybe this is meant to be (well not the tax bill bit!) but maybe the bits for Nathan? I love Emily's faith. She has a maturity beyond her years. I am sorry she is back in plaster.
    Praying for you my dear friend.
    PS How I wish I lived close by to help you pack and send you suppers.

  2. Terri although it is stressful for you, I could read so many hopeful and positive things in your post.
    Emily is such a sweetie, and must be a great support to you.

  3. Such a wonderful list. I know you are stressed, terri, and understandably so, but God IS is control, He loves you, and will always work things for your good, even when it seems painful at the moment.

  4. Hi Terri,
    I feel for you having to move again. I will be sending prayers for you this month. God will provide for the tax bill. We got hit with one 3 xs that amount so I understand your worry.

  5. Terri! Even thought I don't know you "I love you tool". I am praying that this will be a much better week for you and your family. Thanks for sharing your heart and faith with us.


  6. If you don’t think about all the work it can be, a garden plot is a whole basket of blessings just around the corner. Nathan living next to a fire house sounds like part of a silver lining for him I imagine! The house that you are moving to sounds very large! My house is a home but it’s old and small – I would only miss the area if we had to move. I will pray for a lovely little breeze from right out of the bible to come up and blow the troubles away that can buzz around our thoughts like flies – never really biting, just pestering day and night. Take care of you in all of this ok?

  7. God will be with you in this stressful time. You have so many blessings and things will work out. Although I don't know you personally and have never seen you, I love you too and will be praying for you and your family.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  8. hi, good site very much appreciatted

  9. I'm so sorry to hear that you will have to leave the house that you so loved but this new house may just be a real blessing to you.

    We will be praying for you as a family and that God will send new friends for Emily and that this new firestation will really bless Nathan and of course, being closer to the place where his help will be coming from is a plus.

    God is always in control and will provide for your every need. We will pray about the move and the tax situation with you knowing that the Lord holds the answer to these needs.

    I wish your move would have been later then we could have been there to help with it.


  10. Dear Terri,

    Oh, I know how much you adored your home, but Emily is right...God is in control and will be with you every step of the way.
    I shall be keeping your family in my prayers and praying for some peace and comfort for you my friend!


  11. Wow Terri, lots of ups and downs! I think everything will work out for your good.... hey that's a Bible verse!!! Romans 8:28. So good that you are counting your blessings and there are a lot of them! Can't wait to see your garden.

  12. My husband was a bivocational pastor and I understand much about what you are going through! I well remember the year we were socked with a $4000.00 self employment tax bill.
    I will be praying for you and for God's provision!
    Karen T.

  13. That is a lot of blessings. I wish you a smooth move. What a great help to have free rent and utilities in this economy. Together, those things alone cost so much these days. There are good things in the midst of life's challenges.



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