Conflicting Plans

I've been bringing boxes home from work every day and have quite a pile collected. I have plans to begin packing this weekend so I'm not trying to cram it all into a few days.


However, I have someone in the house who has a different plan for the boxes. Emily has built herself a fort with them and seems to be setting up house in there.


I have to keep reminding her not to get too comfortable because her fort is coming down. We have small group here tomorrow night so hopefully, the pile will be disappearing today!


  1. There is an undeniable attraction about a pile of boxes!

  2. When we moved from Kingston to here, Rob was in Lafayette from April until the end of June by himself, we stayed in Kingston until the end of the school year. I could not bring myself to pack for some reason, and left it to the last minute. God knows I hate moving for many reasons. I also remind myself not to get too comfortable here, God may move us on someday, and ultimately to my heavenly home. That doesn't mean I don't live my life to the fullest where I am at today, I just know this is not my home. I think I have a blog post brewing about not getting "too comfortable." Enough rambling, just know I am praying and thinking about you as you move. Will you be at Refresh?

  3. Boxes and kids just seem to go together! :)
    Have a wonderful weekend...hopefully not too busy!


  4. You need to put Emily to work filling those boxes instead of hiding in the midst of them. LOL!


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