Looking at the Bright Side


Good morning my bloggy readers! First of all, I wanted to thank everyone who offered encouragement yesterday. I love reading your comments and I know I hardly ever respond. The main reason for that is that I just don't have time. If I responded to every comment here, I would be on the computer constantly. However, I treasure each one and I do read them and pray for you often.

I woke up this morning with a few thoughts.

First it is March 1st!!! The shortest month of the year stretched eternal this year. The days crawled by, but it's finally here. The month that holds that magical day - the first day of Spring. Just that fact alone has lifted my spirits.

Secondly, we already got an answer to prayer. The Superintendent of Schools got back to me and though he still has to bring it before the executive committee of the school board, he didn't think it was a problem for the children to stay until the end of the year AND Stephen to finish his senior year here next year. That is a huge praise!

I realized that I have 31 days until I move. So I thought that I would try and come up with 31 positive reasons for this move in order to keep looking at the bright side of things.

So here we go...

1. I no longer have to drive 12 & 1/2 miles just to turn on the heat at the church.
2. The new house has a huge bedroom that will be turned into a sewing room/office.
3. Great photo ops of the wild life (deer, bear, coyotes, birds, etc.)
4. It is actually 2 tenths of a mile shorter to go to work.
5. Big library two miles down the road.
6. A large park down the road with a wonderful swimming pool for residents.
7. About 12 miles closer to the stores I need to go to.
8. Bigger house.
9. Pond for the kids to fish in.
10. Can have more people over on Sundays because I live right next door.
11. Don't have to leave as early on Sundays.
12. Tree house for Emily to play in. Hmmm...hope that doesn't mean more broken bones.
13. We won't have dead flowers hanging from the church sign anymore because no one could get over the mountain to water them. LOL!!!
14. Stephen will be up out of a basement bedroom.
15. Emily will have a larger bedroom.
16. Brand new hardwood floors.
17. Brand new tile floors in the kitchen.
18. Brand new bathroom.
19. Back deck or side porch to sit on in the cool of the evening or early morning.
20. Trails on the property for hiking.
21. Beautifully painted rooms.
22. No more frightening rides to the firehouse. It's a few yards away and Nathan can get himself there.
23. Better chances of employment for Nathan & Stephen.
24. Tons of events at the local park.
25. No more street lights blaring in the house all night long.
26. No train thundering by at 2 and 5 a.m.
27. Large property for gardening.
28. When planning children's programs or church events I can keep the supplies at the church and not all over my house.
29. A presence at the church during the week.
30. Contacts that have already been established at the new fire house which makes it easier for Nathan.
31. A school system with more resources for Emily.

There, I'm feeling better already!


  1. Terri, there are so many positive things there. Well done for seeing the bright side!

  2. So happy for your new blessings!!!!
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  3. Sounds like this move will be a great thing, actually!

  4. You are such a love - well done for seeing so much good stuff. Your church are truly blessed to have you :)

  5. Terri, I'd say that is a huge bright side. Praying for you as you move.

  6. Well - now you've even cheered me up! :D

  7. God is good!
    A wonderful list of blessings to look forward to! :)


  8. That's our girl....bless you for looking at the bright side. :-) Sounds like a lot of wonderful advantages for you and your family. God is good,


  9. Hey, Can we move there too??!!

    I really think once everything settles down that you will LOVE it.

    Hang on for the wild ride this month though. I'll be praying for you guys.

    Karen in TN

  10. Hugs and prayers for you through all the stressful parts of moving ~ but the house indeed sounds like a wonderful blessing for your family!


  11. Look at you...31 reasons for being thankful and feeling blessed! God is answering your prayers all ready.

    I love how you can be very discouraged and then you start looking at the positive things about an event and the next thing your spirit is lifted and your praising God. You are truly a child of God.

    Keep looking up with expectations..God cannot be outdone!


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