Multitude Monday

It's been a tiring, rough week but I've seen God's hand in our move to a new home in so many ways. It has been amazing to me to see how everything worked out beautifully. We are truly blessed by a wonderful church family!

This week, I'm thankful for Blessings #286-303

♥ Being able to donate a few pieces of furniture to people who had need of it.

♥ A gift of an early dismissal because of snow which gave me an unplanned afternoon to pack.


♥ A dinner delivered by a friend the night before the move.

♥ 17 friends who showed up with trucks and manpower on Saturday.

♥ Two friends who helped me with last minute packing.

♥ Lunch provided for the movers by two different people at church.

♥ Soaring birds.


♥ A friend who stayed after everyone left to help me arrange some furniture.

♥ A man who came back later in the afternoon to pray for our family.

♥ An older couple from church who showed up with dinner and prayed for our family as well.

♥ Someone who showed up with a can of coffee.

♥ Being able to bless two people who are also moving with empty boxes.

♥ Gaining an hour on Sunday mornings by moving next to the church.

♥ Being able to walk to church. ;-)

♥ A potluck after church yesterday which meant I didn't have to cook.

♥ Arriving at church to discover that arrangements had been made to give us gifts of freezer meals during the week.

♥ A wonderful Sunday afternoon for my children exploring the woods around the property.


and finally...

♥ A beautiful sunset from my kitchen window.



  1. Terri, you are truly blessed with your church family. I'm so glad you are safely in your new home.

  2. What a blessing to read of how well you church family is taking care of you all!! :) God is good!!

  3. I love to read your Monday blessings! I have just joined and posted my own today for the first time. Thank you for sharing.

  4. how good to see God's people truly being the church to you! we're about to move too- half way round the world... not looking forward to the logistics of it all- but grateful He is the One who calls us and carries us!

  5. What a lovely list :) Not many things make me feel more loved than when my church family and friends have come alongside in support - and 17 moving helpers is some good support! :) I'm praying for you and your sweet family as you settle into your new home.

  6. Here from Ann's... this is a beautiful post! Especially encouraging to see the Body of Christ at work!

  7. I'm not sure I've ever been a part of a church family that functioned with such helpful hands and loving hearts. It's a blessing to know that they exist!

  8. A lot to be thankful for there Terri. So glad you got moved in ok, and your church family were there for you. xx

  9. You are #1 on Ann's list today, so you are first on my reading of lists of gratitudes! I'm so glad I came here first thing! Isn't it wonderful when friends are REALLY friends and help with the packing, moving, meals, AND. . . a can of coffee!!!! Can't get any better than that. But your last picture said it all ---- HOME! A picture from your window. God is so good, isn't He????

  10. How I wish I belonged to your church :)
    Terri I am so glad everything has gone well for your move. I have not slept so well of late and when I don't sleep I fill those wee small hours with prayer and you and yours were right on up there in my prayer requests :)
    Sending you much love and happiness for you new home. Are you on Spring break this week? I hope so, then you can empty boxes and settle in. Remember to take lots of tea breaks.
    Much love.

  11. What a wonderful church family !!! thanks for shairng your thankfulness and blessings glad to that we can share our blessings

  12. I heart Mondays now, and I’m here from Ann’s, and a tiring week that ended well – yay ƪ(◠‿◠)╯- and my favorite from your list today… actually no numbers - just all the people loving you like the church is supposed to love – I pick all of those as my faves.

    God Bless and keep you
    May His face shine upon you…
    and all of yours.

  13. I am so happy to hear that your move has gone well for you and your family!!!


  14. Terri, You are certainly blessed with a wonderful circle of friends. I am so happy the move is behind you. I am also wondering when you have spring break??? Take care and don't work too hard unpacking.


  15. Hello, I just found your blog today and you have blessed my socks off this Monday !! thank you.

  16. What a BEAUTIFUL sunset photo! I love the contrast...

    (Just visiting from Ann's...)

  17. Now, you have blessed me for I have been praying for this move and a lot of the things listed are things that I have prayed for for you. I love getting answers to my prayers...that is my blessing!

    Welcome to your new home, Terri!

  18. I dream of being able to walk to Church...but I love living in the country too much ;)

    You list of gratitude reveals His Divine fingerprint everywhere. He blesses abundantly!

    I am a new follower, please stop by and consider returning the favor.


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