Unexpected Visitor

Look who came to welcome us into our new home last night.


I knew it would only be a matter of time since there are deer everywhere on this ridge. The only down side to them is that they may wreak havoc to my soon-to-be planted garden and the deer ticks. Two of my children have had Lyme's disease because of tick bites so every time they come in from exploring, we have been ruthlessly checking them for ticks.

However, I love deer and this young one stayed around for quite a while last night. She wasn't so sure of me though.


Now, I'm just waiting for the bear that's been wandering around here to show up to check us out too!


  1. Maybe you will need big fences, Terri!

  2. Deer are friendly guests...I don't know about bears though...I think I would be a little leary. Don't feed the bears! LOL!

  3. Not sure I could deal with the bears, Terri! I guess that's a New York thing.

    I know you're horribly busy, but I do hope you are planning a "home tour" when get some stuff put away???? Pretty please.

    Karen in TN

  4. Karen, I will as soon as it starts to look presentable!

  5. So adorable, yes we too have deer all over, you had better watch your garden too if you plant one, they love fresh green stuff, lol ☺


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