Being a Tightwad

I pulled out my copy of the Complete Tightwad Gazette last night and I'm glad I did. I haven't read it in a few years and it certainly provided some inspiration. I have always enjoyed the challenge to try and be frugal. I know some people would call it cheap, tight fisted, or a tightwad. In my case, it is because of necessity.

For years we lived on one income and managed fairly well. People would say, "Oh nobody can live on one income in this area." Yet, we were able to do it and on a small income at that.

However, when Dan's pay got cut in half and he lost his benefits, I went back to work so we could at least have medical insurance. I have to pay into the benefits so my check is tiny. Even with me working full-time, we are bringing in less income than when I stayed home. So I need to work even harder at being frugal to make ends meet.

Here are some things I have done this past week to stretch my dollar. I've mentioned some of them before.

► I needed pineapple chunks without the juice for a recipe. I poured the juice into a freezer container and froze it for a recipe in the future that requires pineapple juice.

► Tearing the dryer sheets in half to make them stretch.

► Used dried beans in a recipe which are far cheaper than canned. I just put them in the crockpot and covered them with water and cooked them on low all day.

► Ran the dishwasher with a full load.

► Only washed full loads of clothes.

► Made my mother's day gifts.

► Reused a gift bag for another gift. I save them when I receive them for this purpose.

► Packed my lunch every day.

► Used cloth napkins instead of paper.

► Washed out my freezer bags to reuse.

► Saved paper for the kids to doodle on or for notes.

► Borrowed a movie and t.v. series from the library for free.

► Made my own shake and bake seasoning instead of buying an extremely expensive package of it in the store.

► Baked my own bread for the week.

► Made my own granola.

► Made my own ice cream.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to re-reading the book and gleaning some more ideas from Amy Dacyczyn.


  1. I love tightwad tips! We have had a big reduction in income too ~ and it is always good to be encouraged to find ways to make our money stretch!
    One of my favorite recipes is making refried beans in the crockpot ~ inexpensive and so good!

    Thanks for sharing Terri!

  2. Terri I think we all need to learn to be more frugal. We are doing the Dave Ramsey Financial Peacce University, and its amazing how much we live beyond our means in America! Its exciting to finally be getting rid of debt and learning to use what you haveand not credit! I hope you share more of what the book says! Have a Blessed week!!:0)

  3. Thank you for sharing your frugal tips with us, I always enjoy learning new ways to stretch the budget! :)


  4. Sounds like my list, I too am very frugal, and even if I had lots of mony I do not think I could ever be a spender..

  5. I have found that cutting the dryer sheets is waaay better than reusing them. When you reuse them, they can leave oily spots on your clothes!!! Guess how I know??
    Karen T.

  6. Hi,
    Don't be sorry for being frugal! Theres nothing wrong with it, the people who say your being cheap...they just don't get it or they're the ones with alot of debt. I've always been frugal, even when we didn't need to be, but we've been able to retire in our 50's. And I'm still frugal and loving it!!!!!


  7. I am now reminded that it's time to re-read the Tightwad Gazette!

    Blessings, Debbie

  8. Oh Terri, your too funny. I've cut fabric softner sheets to spread thru-out the well. So many of these are moma's retro advice :) Thanks for the updated I'll share some I dare :) Ana

  9. Ana, welcome! I'm glad you found my blog. I wish I could always respond to my readers but unfortunately, my time is so limited. I always enjoy the comments though! Definitely feel free to share some of your tips. I love learning about new ways to save money!

  10. I've cut the dryer sheets in half for a long time. We can save even more by line drying the wash. Use vinegar in the rinse cycle instead of fabric softener. (It won't smell like vinegar).


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