Crafty Things


I haven't had anytime to do any sort of crafting lately. In fact, my ambitious goal of doing one major craft per month has become laughable. However, I guess working full-time, moving and getting pneumonia are good excuses. :-)

I made my mom and my mother-in-law a set of cards for Mother's Day. I thought these turned out really cute and they were well received.




Now that we are settled into the new house, I'm getting the itch to craft more. Summer is coming too when I'll have lots of time to do my crafty things!


  1. Lovely, lovely cards! What a great idea for a gift. Thanks for sharing Terri. xxx

  2. Terri, your cards are BEAUTIFUL! And such a nice gift!

    Have a blessed day!

  3. You make such lovely cards, Terri! Lots prettier than any in the stores. I'm sure the receivers are very happy to get them.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  4. Those cards are beautiful! s her play Seusical I was thinking of taking the girls to it. The Prom wow is he excited!!! Are you!! Wow they grow so fast. DOnt worry about dinner I know you love us and will invite when you have time. I ve been really busy myelf.

  5. Very pretty Terri! I hope the day is beautiful for you and your family. You folks have been busy lately!

  6. WOW Terri, you should open your own store with all your crafting and baking! Beautiful.

  7. Beautiful Terri! Having been blessed to received some of your handmade cards, I know that they will both appreciate them! :)


  8. They are so professional, Terri.


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