Multitude Monday

I enjoy blogging because I like to write and it has been a tool to journal things for my children to remember. However, it is so easy on blogs to present only the good and only the positive. You can make it seem like your life is perfect. Yet, life is not perfect and families are not perfect.

I've really worked hard to be transparent here on this blog. I am not a perfect person and I struggle with many things. Yet, I want to live my life for the Lord and do my best to serve Him. I know that often people are more blessed when they see that someone does struggle yet still tries to honor God with their life. I find it helpful to see the process that someone goes through rather than just the end result.

Yesterday morning did not start well. In fact, it was quite horrible. My fairy tale book expectations of Mother's Day did not match reality and I did not handle things graciously. In fact, I blew it BIG TIME! The problem when you allow yourself to give way to your emotions is that no one wins. The people you spew on feel rotten and then you feel rotten for allowing yourself to vent.

Yet, God has blessed me so much with a husband and children who are forgiving. So after picking myself up and dusting myself off and realizing that once again I had blown it, I humbly asked the Lord and my family to forgive me. They graciously did and assured me of their love. I ended up having a very nice day.

Today I'm thankful for Blessings #371-390

♫ My family who loves me and forgives me.

♫ A church full of little ones.


♫ A place to walk.

♫ Men who made and served dinner to the mothers in the church.


♫ A gentleman in our church who worked hard to fix the lawn tractor and then mowed the entire property.

♫ Working through a conflict.

♫ Laughter.


♫ A couple coming this week to work on sprucing up the church playground.

♫ A solution to our one car problem in the morning. We are meeting a bus as it turns around on the mountain and the children ride the bus from there.

♫ Good friends.


♫ Sitting and drinking expresso with my husband.

♫ A good report from the doctor.

♫ Enjoying her Dad's jokes.


♫ Rocking a little one to sleep. I forgot how much I missed that.

♫ Being a mom.


♫ A son who sprung back quickly from a major disappointment.

♫ Feeling sunshine on my face.

♫ The smell of freshly mowed grass.

♫ Spending a morning digging up flower beds and planting.



♫ The Lord's forgiveness and mercy which is readily available to those who ask.

Won't you join in and count the many ways you are blessed?


  1. I've started keeping a thankfulness journal Terri, and it really does remind me of how much God blesses me. Thanks for being so honest on your blog, xx

  2. Wonderful post! I am blessed with a wonderful husband and 2 grown children. We all make mistakes that need to be forgiven. You truly show in your blog the good times and the bad. You always show your reliance on God to get you through the bad times and you are a good example for those of us who read your blog. Glad you ended up having a nice mother's day.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  3. I am 50 now, and a few weeks ago, my mom asked me to write her a letter telling her all the things she did wrong when I was growing up. An odd request, and I had to ask myself where it was coming from - what battles with self-worth she was struggling through. But the thing was, when I gave it thought,I really couldn't remember much of anything, even though we'd surely had some pretty hefty battles.

    'Blowing it' seems to mean so much more to the mom who carries it with her, than the child who lives it and then moves on. I think it does a child good to witness their mom with her struggles. As long as there is love tucked in at the end of it all. :-) Happy Mothers Day!

  4. I heart your transparency. It’s a hard thing to do – what’s too much – and not enough? I get it. And my favorite from your list? A son who sprung back quickly from a major disappointment. Because I know that his disappointment is yours – I know you feel what your babies do. So the fact that he got through it quick – means you got through it quick. God Bless and keep you and all of yours Terri.

  5. Bless your heart, Terri! I have "blown it" many, many times and the worst thing is that "rotten" feeling you and everyone else gets. At least, you asked for forgiveness....I don't think I have ever done that. I think my family knows through my actions that I am sorry but I will try to say it from now on.

    I love the pictures and hearing how wonderful the people in your congregation are. I especially like the man with the smiley face tie on.

    Thanks for sharing your heart with us. You are teaching me how to be a better person every time I visit. Debbi


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