Multitude Monday


Do you realize how fast time flies? Emily, my baby, is 12 years old today. It seems like just yesterday she was a toddler. Nathan turned 20 at the beginning of the month and Stephen is 18. Wow!

I know many of you are in the same boat. As I look back over the past 20 years, I'd like to think that I made the most of each moment I had with them. However, I also know that I haven't always had that mindset. I've spent more time fixating on things that aren't that important.

My husband, on the other hand, is wonderful at enjoying every single moment of his children's lives. I have learned so much from him. His family is more important than anything.


As mothers we can get so caught up in the day to day activities that we often don't stop and really focus on our children. I find that I often need to step away from what I am doing and just spend some time listening to them as they talk. I don't want them to remember me as running around and telling them, "Not now."

So my encouragement to you today is to stop, look and listen. Stop what you are doing. Look at your child directly in the eye. Really listen to what they are saying.

Time goes by so quickly. Let's not miss this precious time we have with our children.

Today I'm thankful for Blessings #426-440

♫ A brother and sister who love each other, even when they are annoying one another. :-)


♫ Boys who are loving cutting grass now that they have cool new toys to play with.


♫ Free loaves of fresh bread.

♫ Enjoying a summer past time.


♫ Nathan who is consistently cheerful each day.

♫ Friends who helped us put up the garden fence.


♫ My husband who spent the afternoon putting in air conditioners.

♫ Watching girls trying to catch a bunny.


♫ Listening to my daughter sing a song she wrote while her dad and brothers play along.


♫ Celebrating Emily's 12th birthday.


♫ Enjoying friends.


♫ A tree house that provided an afternoon of fun.


♫ A church family that loves to laugh.

♫ An afternoon of singing.


and finally...

♫ Beautiful growing things.



  1. Lovely lovely post Terri! So full of happy things! Happy Birthday Emily!! How time flies! :)

  2. Happy 12th birthday to Emily! They grow up fast. My "babies" are 33 and 31 now. Such wonderful blessings you have. It makes me happy reading them and I start to count my happy blessings too!
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  3. Thanks for sharing your blessing, Terri.


  4. Thanks for sharing your blessings, Terri.


  5. Visiting through Multitudes on Mondays. First Happy Birthday to Emily. Loving the sweetness of girls trying to catch the bunny rabbit.


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